chapter 34 - naufragous

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s/n: you're the only good thing in my life - cigarettes after sex

" to you,
i give the moons of every single night."

- sara shagufta

[ zoro ]

She found Zoro with his head in his hands. When she sat beside him on the concrete stairs, a whiff of sweet flowers blew to him.

He ignored her at first, but as the minutes stretched it was getting hard not to. She coolly took out a bag of biscuits and starting munching on them while staring off to the horizon.

"Want some?" She finally asked when their eyes caught. He frowned but still reached for the pack of biscuits.

"2 bucks for one, by the way." She said after he bit into it and he choked.

"I'm not joking," She added.

He replied without much venom.

"Why are you here?" Zoro didn't dare look at her; they didn't know each other well enough to confront the awkwardness. Her orange hair turned yellow under the warm lamplight.

She ignored him, which was typical of Nami. She only ever did what she wanted.

"You're the artist right?" She didn't meet his eyes either while the sunset flickered off her eyes.

"Artist?" He frowned.

"The one who made the painting of the blond idiot."

"Uh...yeah." It felt weird to hear about Sanji from someone he barely met.

"It was a really beautiful piece." Their eyes met again and Zoro could only awkwardly thank her.

"He's really beautiful isn't he?"

He said as he let out a breath that pulled at his lungs.

"The only ugly thing about him is probably how he's so selfish." The orange-haired girl murmured as a gentle sunset breeze flitted past her bronze strands. "Only ever thinks about his own pain."

"You'll get hurt. You know that right?" She looked at him with a serious gaze.

"What're you talking about?" He felt his heart drop as he tried to appear unaffected.

"Quit acting dumb, roommate. Anyone who sees the painting can tell that Sanji's more than just a muse."

"You—" He knew she wouldn't believe his lame lies anyway so he stopped himself from wasting the energy.

"On second thought," Nami pondered as she crunched on the biscuit. "You're probably already burnt. That's why I took pity on you anyway."

"I don't need your fucking pity." He muttered as he stared off to the sunset.

"Meh." She shrugged. "I didn't say you did. But just a word of caution, if you can't love him as he is, you're better off staying away and moving on."

phosphenes (n.) zoro x sanji [roommates au]Where stories live. Discover now