chapter 8 - quixotic

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^ my favourite song ; oceans away, arizona. listen while reading!







His dorm no longer felt like just a dorm. It felt like a home that he wanted go back to, a home filled with that gentle humming, groceries and Sanji.

"Marimo!" The blond called from the bustling kitchen.

"Yeah?" He looked up from his computer of half-written essays and Led Zeppelin collections to a grinning Sanji at the kitchen doorway.

"You up for a picnic?"

Zoro frowned at the clock which told fifteen to ten.

"At this hour?"

Sanji raised a questioning brow. "That a yes or a no?"

How could he ever refuse Sanji and those rosy lips?

"Sure, yeah, okay." He muttered to the cheering of Sanji as he closed his laptop, scratching at his green hair.

A meal for just them two? He wondered if he was dreaming.

• • •

"Where the hell are we going?" Zoro grumbled as he wrapped his arms around himself a little tighter—the night ocean breeze was freezing.

The lamplight made Sanji's eyes appear like glimmering turquoise pools. Turquoise—such a pretty colour—noted Zoro in his head.

Sanji's eyes creased as he brought a pale finger to his lips. "It's a surprise, Marimo. I'm not allowed to ruin it."

"It'd better be good." Zoro mumbled under his breath as the blond dangled the picnic basket in the loose grasp of his hand, humming a soft tune.

The soft ocean crashing from beside him, the stars overhead, and the best of all, a smiling Sanji just up front; everything felt like a dream.

The click and rustle of the blond's cigerette and lighter broke the silence between them.

Sanji took a long drag of his cigerette like a man starved for air, and with the smoke in wisps around the serene blond, Zoro stared in awe and realised he had fallen in too deep to ever get out.

• • •

"This is it." Sanji said with a satisfied smile, setting down the basket in the moist sand.

They sat on the empty beach, the moon basking the salty water a silvery hue, as they unwrapped the sandwiches that Sanji prepared.

The water sang to the rustles of the palm trees, as crickets sounded in the air. Zoro took a subtle side-glance at his breath-taking companion who was calmly taking bites in his sandwich and staring out to the silver expanse of the sea.

Sanji dug around the basket, brandishing two cans of French beer.

"Couldn't afford wine." Sanji gave an apologetic smile as he offered one of the beers to Zoro. "But these are still pretty good."

He thanked the blond, his fingers curling around the still cold can.

"So, Zoro." Sanji took a large gulp of his sparkling, flowery beer. "We haven't had much time to really know each other."

"What's your dream?" Sanji asked, turning to him, resting his chin atop his drawn knees.

Zoro chuckled nervously, his fingers scratching the length of his nape.

"I..don't really have one." He lied, thinking how lame his dream would sound to the blond.

"Hm..." The blond eyed him with those glimmering moon-drunk orbs and rosy tinged cheeks skeptically.

Under the blond's scrutinisation, his heart raced terribly, slamming against his rib cage, making the beer burn bitterly into his throat.

"Well...Then I guess I'll tell you about mine." Sanji took another sip of his beer before staring out into the listless ocean.

"Say, Marimo," Sanji spoke, head tilting towards the stars, golden strands flying in the wind. "Have you ever wanted to just...disappear?"

"Disappear?" Zoro furrowed his brows. " escapade?"

Sanji turned around swiftly, gifting him a bright smile. "Exactly, a grand escape! Giant sails drawn and ready to brave the seven seas, the oak mast straight and towering—barely grazing the clouds..." He spoke enthusiastically with elaborate gestures before trailing off, a blissful smile caught between his features as he leaned back with his palms to the sand. "Ah, the sea. The wonderful, beautiful ocean."

Zoro chuckled. "You sound just like a pirate."

Sanji turned to him, smirking. "And if I am?"

Zoro averted his eyes, the blood thumping in the space behind his ears.

"Then I'll ask to join you."


he's so lovesick hahaha

thoughts on the chapter? ;-) would love to hear them!

tried my best to write a long one to make up for the lack of updates. planning some shit that would go down and make u cry.

phosphenes (n.) zoro x sanji [roommates au]Where stories live. Discover now