chapter 12 - apricity

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[ sanji ]


But being awake was the only way he could escape from his terrible nightmares. He shuffled to his white-tiled bathroom while the sky was still in indigo darkness and doused himself in ice-cold water to wash away the sleepiness.

He walked out of his room, feeling the early morning breeze tingle his skin as he dried his hair off with a towel.

He headed to his haven of steel countertops and stainless pans, feeling a small grin dance on his lips at the thought of creating something magnificent.

Today felt different, he mused to himself. Something is definitely changing.

• • •

Almost unconsciously, light baritones of a familiar tune drifted out of his lips as he concocted a feast in the kitchen, the feeling of gentle ease warming his bones.

The metal handle in his grasp felt like a natural extended hand of his, where every flick of his wrist felt like a breath of air.

This was his magic.

He set down the steaming plates with a glance back to the clock—his roommate should be awake right about now.

He waltzed smoothly across the marbled tiles to the drawer, picking out two silver sets of utensils.

On the dot, as he straightened up from setting the table, his eyes met his roommate's warm grey ones.

"Good morning, Marimo."
He greeted lightly with his exuberant smile.

Zoro's messy bed-hair made Sanji's eyes crease in endearment. They reminded him of a younger cousin he once had.

The shock all-too-obvious in Zoro's grey eyes and his tense shoulders amused Sanji.

"Sanji, I-" Zoro seemed to have finally found his voice, his eyes earnest and shining with regret, and it took Sanji by surprise. Did his temper tantrum affect his roommate that much?

"I'm so, so sorry."

The 'Marimo' murmured heart-wrenchingly, his ears flushing a radiant red.

"It's alright," The blond felt himself say, and in truth—it was really was—he'd got over it a few days ago. He knew Zoro wasn't a bad person; perhaps it was just a slip of judgment and he could understand if that was the case.

"I've done things wrong too;" He felt his chest become a million times lighter as the tension dissipated between them. "I shouldn't have left you like that."

He smiled at his silent, flushed roommate with the fluffy moss-coloured hair.
"I even promised to show you the ropes and I just abandoned you like that-"

"-I'm sorry too."

;") happy lunar new year, my friends!

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