chapter 4 - cosmogyral

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( s/n : mystery of love, surfjan stevens - slowed )









Only crazed guffaws replied his outraged shout. He stepped outside to the carpet hallway, his head turning this way and that fervently, searching for the skinny, long-limbed freshman who had stolen his lunch.

He cursed under his breath, his fingers curling around the knob of his dorm door before slamming it shut with a tight bang, and sprinted at the fleeting blur of red.

His lungs burned in his chest as his throat went dry at the strenuous speed he was running at.

But he loved it all.
The wind crashing against him, singing softly in his ears in ghostly shrills, his feet going barely thump, thump, thump, before they left the dusty carpet, it felt as if he was flying, soaring.

His heart's trepidation going a mile a minute, as an exhilarated laugh escaped his lips. It's been so long since he last ran like this.

The way his heart caught on his throat reminded him of the first time he laid eyes on his blonde roommate.

"You'll never catch me, Zoro! I'm finishing your delicious home-cooked lunch!" Luffy called over his shoulder as he winked mischievously, tauntingly, at Zoro.

"My roommate cooked that for me! Give it back!" Zoro shouted back, panting heavily as he grabbed his knee caps, catching a desperate breath.

"Roommate?" Luffy frowned as he jogged in front of Zoro. "Didn't know you had a roommate."

"You wouldn't know shit even if it hits you on the head." Zoro grumbled under his breath as he snatched the outrageously pink lunch box from Luffy.

"And pink? That's weird." Luffy scratched his head, ignoring the insult from Zoro, a wide grin still plastered on his tan face. "Is your roommate a girl?"

"I...No! No...he's not!" Zoro stuttered as his face flushed crimson.

Sanji packed it with the intention of giving it to yet another girl, but she refused.

It's okay.

I'd be more than happy to eat it.

phosphenes (n.) zoro x sanji [roommates au]Where stories live. Discover now