chapter 31 - daios

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s/n: far caspian - a dream of you
(please read while listening to this song with headphones!)

"you are the knife I turn inside myself.

that is love, my dear.


[ zoro ]

WHEN SANJI BROUGHT HIS THINGS OUT, they both didn't know what to say. The rock in his heart only sank deeper as the blond brought his suitcase out, and it fell past his toes, making him feel so full of nothing.

"Maybe it's better that things turned out this way," Sanji murmured as he gripped his luggage, his blinding blue eyes slowly meeting the green-haired boy's.

"Cuz' we're both hurting, huh, Marimo?"

"Speak for yourself, stupid cook." He growled as he turned away, even as his chest tightened till his breathing became painful.

Of course it hurts, you idiot. But it would hurt more without you.

"Well then, Marimo, see you round' "

Sanji tossed him a sad smile that made Zoro want to head-butt him, because he knew his roommate enough to see through his expressions.

He was looking at Zoro and promising his blond, beautiful self that he was going to stay away from him and what can Zoro say to stop him?

That's all his rough throat could cough out.

He felt like a spectator to his own life, as if he was witnessing a horrible accident happening before him. Maybe this was what people meant by time slowing down as the wooden door seemed to be closing forever.

But time never stops, so when it finally closed with a click, he chuckled.

"Escape, my ass. You're just a coward, aren't you, stupid ero-cook?"

Maybe Sanji was right. This would turn out better for them, because the cook would never take a chance and Zoro can't push the ball any further into his court.

Maybe they could both get over their withdrawal symptoms of each other.

This maybe, hurt so bad.

• • •

True enough, they didn't speak to each other after Sanji left, and only exchanged tense eye-contact which Sanji would normally quickly break away.

It's alright. Zoro thought to himself, as the paper crinkled loudly in his hands. I'm used to this feeling.

What's the saying again?

Oh yeah, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

...But what the hell do I have to be so strong for?

• • •

"What the," The long-nosed bartender quirked his eyebrows as he inched his face close to Zoro's. "—who's this? This sullen looking guy? Anyone recognise him?"

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