chapter 20 - opia

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" is this what starlight tastes like? "

- unknown


[ sanji ]

ZORO'S FINGERS WERE like firelight dancing across his back, like shadows flickering on the walls, tracing over his tattoos.

"I've always wondered what the scattered feathers were part of." The tanned boy mused.

"Part of me." Sanji turned back to reply with a grin. "They're part of me."

The afternoon light sifted through the windows and set the blond's hair alight, bringing shades to his bare back.

He did ask his tanned roommate to request for whatever he wanted for his birthday, but he didn't think he would ask to see his tattoo.

The blond was aware of Zoro's affections for him after he declared it so blatantly, but he wasn't sure what to do with it.

Like a bomb, he thought to himself. He had a bomb in his hands.

" don't mind me asking," The carefulness in his roommate's voice was tiptoeing across broken glass. "Why a chained wing and another one scattering to feathers?"

Sanji had no idea either. It felt the most fitting thing to have after he ran away.

"The chains are my past, and the dissolving feathers are me losing myself in freedom." The blond murmured, as he ran his fingers through his golden hair. "Maybe." He added with a grin.

"Truthfully, I wasn't thinking much. It just felt right."

"I see." Zoro's voice was as flat as ever. The blond wondered if he really liked him, being so emotionless and all.

Part of the reason why he allowed his roommate to touch him despite his infatuation towards him, was he was curious to see his reactions.

Zoro was akin to a mannequin, only in rare occasions did the tanned boy let his emotions show. And admittedly, the blond enjoyed the moments of sincerity in his tanned features.

"Why do you like me?" Sanji asked softly, feeling his heartbeat quicken and his roommate stiffen from behind him.

There was silence, and the air between them became static and heavy.

"At first, I just thought you were simply beautiful. Then with your airy personality and the way you smoke and how you love to cook; suddenly every little thing about you made me fall."

"There is not much rhyme or reason to it." Zoro chuckled nervously. "I just did, without much warning."

"Ah..." The blond felt his face burn. "...I see."

"Thanks for telling me,"

"But...I don't think I..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"I know." His tanned roommate said curtly, gentle sadness evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry." Sanji apologised, feeling his heart transform to a beast, almost escaping his cage of ribs.

"Don't apologise," His roommate said gently. "This is not your fault, and I'm fine with it. I'm satisfied with being friends."

His roommate's honey-brown eyes creased in pain, but he could only pretend not to see.

"I'm sorry." He whispered again, feeling his heart wretch a little at hurting his kind roommate.

His roommate smiled, a genuine, sad one, with the sunlight turning his eyes to pools of chocolate.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, stupid ero-cook."


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