chapter 24 - saudade

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Author's note :

guys guys i rewrote the previous chapter because it was bullshit if u haven't read could help me read it and tell me your thoughts? thank you :") <3 enjoy, chapter 24 is below~

> iris, goo goo dolls (slowed and reverbed)


- pablo neruda


[ zoro ]

How do I stop the thirst of wanting sunlight, the green-haired boy thought to himself, as the said sun-rays illuminated a halo around the blond boy.

"Really? I can drive your car when you're gone?" Sanji laughed gleefully, taking the car keys from Zoro. "No take backs!"

Zoro nodded, already feeling the familiar, dancing heat that came with Sanji. The blond boy was the warmth in his lungs, allowing him levelled breaths when all he wanted to do was to disappear.

"Don't you scratch it," Zoro grinned, reaching his large hands over and ruffled the blond's golden strands, feeling the etch of their softness even after his fingers had left.

He hadn't even boarded his flight back and he was already missing the blond boy. As the intercom announced his gate opening, Sanji gifted him a soft, worried smile.

Zoro couldn't help but take a mental picture of the blond boy's smile of gentle dusk sun-rays, slipping through his curtains.

He suddenly jerked, digging his hands into his pockets and pulling out a card and key.

"I would probably miss my exhibition next week, so if it's not too much trouble..."

..."could you help me transfer it to the gallery? The professor would know what to do with it."

Sanji took the keys and card and tapped them on his own heart.

"Sure." He grinned. "Count on me."

Zoro thanked him softly, his eyes creasing—and they stayed on the other's ocean-blue eyes for what felt like long enough for him to drown in them.

Zoro turned quickly and grabbed his bag because, if he stayed too long, he'd be happy staying in their cerulean depths.

[ sanji ]

The blond watched the boy disappear amidst the crowd bustling to get up the plane, and he felt the warmth stay on the top of his head and sink, all the way beneath his ribs.

His fingers found their way over his heart, and he tried to press as deep as he could to replicate the feelings he felt. I guess I'll miss him, he smiled a little to himself, as he watched the last of the passengers board before turning back.

Even though nothing changed in the dorm, it felt like too much space. After a few days, it felt too empty and lacking life—lacking Zoro huddled in his room painting and cursing, lacking Zoro passed out on the couch—lacking Zoro.

phosphenes (n.) zoro x sanji [roommates au]Where stories live. Discover now