chapter 29 - skia

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s/n: heat waves - glass animals (stripped back, slowed) *highly recommended to listen with chapter^

"...what do you call it,

freedom or loneliness?"

- charles bukowski


[ zoro ]




The green-haired boy walked over to him, stealing a glance—at his translucent lashes glinting as a car passed below. His eyes were closed as his chest rose and fell gently in time with the wisps of smoke from his cigarette.

Stealing a glance before the green-haired boy looked to the city lights far away and the dimmed dorm lights below, and the full bright moon hanging overhead.

"Zoro," His voice was raspy as his eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal their restless blue. "The moon is beautiful tonight." It didn't sound like it was what he wanted to say.

Zoro's own voice sounded faraway.

"We can't truly escape this, can we?" He raised a pale hand to the sky, stretching out to grab the stars. "So much rules everywhere, so much unhappiness, so little..."He breathed as he inhaled his cigarette. "Freedom."


"If only we were pirates." He chuckled, as they both fell into silence, trying to imagine it in their heads. The night breeze blew past, bringing a silver of salt from the sea. Sanji rested his cigarette between his fingers and breathed in deeply.

"You get seasick, Marimo?"

"...Not really."

The blond hummed in reply, his eyes closing serenely as a smile grew past his lips. Almost like honey dripping from a jar.

"I can make seaweed soup for you if you did..."

"...from your hair." The blond boy chuckled at his little joke, his eyes still shut, and the thin stick with its glowing end still hanging loosely from his lips.

The ashy smoke with its tinge of mint smelt familiar. Zoro took a deeper whiff.

"Wouldn't it be pretty funny if Luffy was our captain?"

"Our ship would probably sink in the middle of the ocean." Zoro replied dryly.

The blond nodded, his grin growing. "I can see it. But won't be kind of fun?"

He said, laughing again. It wasn't like bells or any of that romantic shit his sister liked to read; it was huffy and deep and terribly infectious.

It caused this disease; a heart attack.
And how Zoro wished he could capture the song of it in his MP3 player.

"Yeah." And this time the green-haired boy closed his eyes too, to the far-out citylights, living in his imaginary pirate life together with Sanji in his mind.

phosphenes (n.) zoro x sanji [roommates au]Where stories live. Discover now