chapter 22 - illūnis

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> love song - lana del rey ( slowed )

" the voice of your eyes is deeper
than all roses. "

- e.e cummings

[ sanji ]

Night drives meant windows open and cold air flooding in, into the deep of his bones. It was a cold shower without getting wet.

He placed his elbows on both ends of the windows, letting his head rest on his hands, watching the world pass in a flurry of muted colours.

"Play the radio, Zoro!" Sanji yelled over the wind.

The music came grudgingly, and the blond boy laughed and sang aloud, letting his voice crackle and break and set free.

The car suddenly slowed to a lazy cruising down the deserted lane, as Zoro tapped his fingers on the wheel in time with the rhythm.

"Why'd you slow down?" Sanji complained, turning his head, his blond hair flying wildly in the breeze.

Zoro's eyes flickered over to Sanji, as a grin widened slowly over his lips.

"I couldn't hear you clearly."

The blond glared at him, but Zoro just shrugged it off and grinned to himself.

"I like your singing."

Sanji groaned and tilted his head towards the windows. "That's just cuz' you like me. So everything would be like roses and shit."

Sanji rolled his head over to look at Zoro.
"But once the rose-tinted glasses are removed," he waved his hands languidly, his fingers turning pinkish. "All you'd hear is my beautiful screeching."

"Probably." Zoro chuckled, and slowing the car to a stop at a deserted traffic light. He took off his jacket and placed it on Sanji's lap, averting his eyes away from the blond's gaze.

"Your fingers are already pink. I'll turn up the heater and keep the windows at half."

The red of the light illuminated the edges of Zoro's ears, but they were red for a different reason. They were a very different shade of red from the light above.

And why did his own cheeks feel as if they were burning the same red as Zoro? As if someone rubbed heat pads over his cheeks, all warm and prickly and escaping down his spine.

"But I'm not wearing rose-tinted glasses," Zoro said softly, and even over the crooning of the radio and the howling of the wind, Sanji could hear his firm whisper.

"I'm having rose-tinted eyes."

do you enjoy the song along with the chapter? please give me your thoughts !! <3

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