chapter 15 - suspirium

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(s/n: feels like we only go backwards - tame impala, slowed and reverb)

^ play the song from the video attached! i promise it makes the experience better <3






[ sanji ]


The tiles shined under the dim lamplights and the air smelled of rain. His cigarette wisp hovered in the air, blinding him for a second, before it dissipated and left him with a burning stink.

He could never get enough of the crashing of the waves beside him, their volatile might past the rails. The cook envied the strength of the ocean. It was something he never had. As a child, and now, even as an adult; he had no control over his haunting past and he was too lost in the present to even think about a future.

"What's the use of dreams," he murmured to himself, feeling the freezing touch of the metal rails on his arms. "If all it does is to punish us for our naivety and ignorance?"

The talk he had with his tanned roommate at the midnight picnic suddenly came back to him.

"I was such an idiot. Escape, my ass." The blond boy chuckled to himself, as he flicked away the embers of his cigarette and took one last whiff and look of the ocean, before turning away back to the sidewalk.

[ zoro ]

Zoro slept on the couch on days he stayed up and couldn't make it to his bed. He heard the keys clank and the front door squeak and his eyes immediately flickered open and tried to make sense of the cigarette smell and his blond roommate in a black overcoat and a plastic bag from the convenience store.

The blond boy locked the door and trudged towards the hallway as softly as he could, and he didn't seem to notice Zoro was awake.

"Where were you?" Zoro's voice was gravelly and groggy from his sleep. Though his eyesight was blurred and his roommate's form was swathed in darkness, he could see the blond boy turning around, his features holding a little surprise.

"You're awake?" The blond shuffled back to the living room and placed the bag on the dining table. "I was just taking a walk."

Zoro slowly sat up and inclined his head towards the plastic bag. "What's in that?"

Sanji raised a brow as he took off his overcoat. "I bought some bread for tomorrow, my cigs, and some beer."

"Sorry if I disturbed you from your sleep." The blond apologised as he popped the beer cans into the fridge.

"Mm..." Zoro rubbed his eyes as his vision fuzzed from his yawn. "Don't be. I was already awake."

"Couldn't sleep?" Sanji sat at the edge of the sofa.

"Something like that."

The blond cracked a faint smile and shook his head as the moonlight slid through the fluttering curtains to illuminate his golden hair.

"You never told me about what you want to be in the future." The blond stared at him, and adjusted his position to be sitting cross-legged. "Actually, you never tell me much."

All fatigue left the tanned boy, and he wondered a little if this was a dream.

"I..." He hesitated, feeling his cheeks rise with that all-too-familiar heat, as he looked away from Sanji's gaze.

" I've always wanted to be an artist."

aha it was raining here so
anyways what did you think of the chapter?
how was the music!

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