Before Going Away...

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Mom: James! Can you come down here, please?

James: Coming, Mom.

I then go down the stairs to see what this was all about.

James: Yeah, Mom?

I then see that Mom and Dad are sitting down with some papers on the table.

Mom: James, can you please sit down.

James: Sure, Mom.

I then sit down and start wondering what this is about?

Dad: James. Your mother and I have been talking about how you've been spending your summer breaks these past six years, And We've finally made up our mind about how you're gonna spend it.

James: What are you talking about?

Mom: We've signed you up for a Reality T.V. Show, and you've been accepted.

James: WHAT!!!

Dad: I knew he would react this way.

James: How did you even do this?!

Mom: Remember that audition tape project we told you that school made you do?

James: You were using that as a cover!

Dad: Now, son. You have to understand that you have been spending too many summers in your room doing nothing but play those games of yours.

James: I've also watched movies and go outside sometimes.

Mom: That's still you in your room and not leaving the house.

James: So that's why you want me to go. To get out of the house?

Dad: You have to learn that you can't just spend the rest of your life in isolation.

James: Are you kidding me?!

Mom: James, you are going to leave first thing tomorrow, and that is that.

James: ...Fine... ...So... Where is this Reality Show taking place?

Mom: A place called Camp Wawanakwa in Muskoka, Ontario.

James: Which state?

Dad: It's in Canada.

James: Canada! You mean I'm going to Canada!

Mom: Yes.

James: Great. Not only I'm going to a Reality Show. But I'm going to Canada two. Is there anything else you want to mention to me?

Dad: Actually. Yes. You see, if you win, you get to keep one hundred thousand dollars.

James: And let me guess. You want me to compete for it.

Mom and Dad: ...Yes...

James: I can't believe this...

Dad: You're also going to be spending eight weeks there until you come home.

James: That's Until School Starts!

Dad: I know! I know.

Mom: Look, we're only doing this for you. So please be on your best behavior for us. Okay.

James: ...Okay...

Dad: Good. Now pack your stuff for tomorrow. You're leaving first thing in the morning.

James: Alright... Wait! What's the reality show called?

Mom: Total Drama Island.

James: Got it.

I then go up to my room and start packing what I might need for the next eight weeks to pass the time, like Comic Books, Crossword Puzzles, A Rubix Cube, and Playing Cards. I then pack some fresh clothes for the next eight weeks. Last but not least, I'm bringing my MP3 player in secret, along with some earbuds.

As the night came along, I got into a discord server with all of my friends. And told them about everything that's going to happen to me tomorrow.

Kole: What! You're going to be on T.V Show!

Michael: Congrats, man!

Kevin: So, how long are you going to be gone?

James: Eight weeks.

Michael: The Whole Summer!

James: That was my reaction too.

Kole: Even with you gone. We're going to be cheering for you no matter what.

James: Thanks, guys.

Kevin: You think you'll be able to win?

James: I don't know. My parents "just" want me to get out of the house.

Michael: Don't worry about it, James. As long as your fearless. Nothing will get in your way.

Kevin: Remember. You are a "Fearless-Warrior" after all.

James: I know, you don't have to remind me. Well. I say it's about time to go to bed. They want me up early to leave and arrive on time.

Kole: Alright. Bye, James.

Michael: Later.

Kevin: Bye.

James: Bye, guys.

I then hang up, turn off my computer and everything in my room that consumes power. I then go to sleep and wonder what's going to happen once I arrive at Camp Wawanakwa.

To Be Continued...

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