The Very Last Episode, Really!

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A few days have passed, and two more campers have joined you on the island. Duncan and Leshawna. This leaves just Gwen and Owen to be the finalists of the show. It's present-day, and we're all relaxing as usual. I'm chatting with Trent, Cody, Geoff, DJ, and Duncan.

Duncan: I don't care who wins anymore. I've enjoyed my stay here long enough.

Geoff: Yeah, I can't wait to go home.

James: So. Since the last episode is going to happen soon. I have this one last prank to pull on two people before this show ends.

Trent: What is it?

James: You see...

I then told them what I want the guys to do when a winner is decided. And the guys are in. I was going to tell Owen this when Chris and Chef weren't looking or listening at all. Speaking of which, Chris arrives at the mansion with an announcement.

Chris: Alright, losers, you've seen the latest episode. It's time for the finale! Let's get on the boat and head back to the island!

We all pile together on the small boat and take off. A few minutes go by, and we soon arrive at Total Drama Island. It's been a while since any of us seen that sign that reads "Wawanakwa." Chris explains that we're all are going to be the peanut gallery, and watch the epic conclusion of Total Drama Island and even get to choose who we want to root for. He tells us to wait in a hidden area. So he can do his solo parts for the episode and bring out Gwen and Owen.

Chris: Now it's time to welcome the twenty campers who did not make it to the finals.

That was our cue to come out and reveal ourselves. Gwen is surprised, and Owen is excited.

Owen: Hey guys! Whoohoo! Good to see ya!

Gwen sees Trent, who looks back at her with a smile. Gwen turns away, biting her lip and blushing hard. When she saw me, she did it even harder.

Chris: Would everyone who's walked the Dock of Shame and left camp on the Boat of Losers kindly take a seat in the Peanut Gallery of Failure?

We all can see Chris trying to rub it in that we've lost, and it's a little sad even though I lost because of Sadie and Katie.

Eva: "Still think you're fuckin' hilarious, do ya know, Chris?!?"

Chris: "Yup! Remind me to edit that as well as this out, okay?

The cameraman recording all of this gives a thumbs up, and Chris continues with what he has to say.

Chris: The side you choose should represent who you would like to cheer on to victory in today's final competition.

We all chose who to support. Me, Saide, Katie, DJ, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsay, Eva, Leshawna, and Cody are supporting Gwen; While everyone else is supporting Owen. Gwen then notices that Heather is now wearing a funny-looking wig.

Gwen: Why are you wearing a rug? She said while laughing a little bit.

Heather: James is...

Izzy then touches Heather's wig.

Heather: Stop touching my hair, crazy girl. As I was saying, James is why I'm wearing this awful wig.

*Start of Confessional*

James: "It was a Payback Prank. Even Leshawna wanted in on it too."

Heather: "Gwen is going down. How do I know? I was able to gain access to a lot of different foods back at that mansion. Including some chocolate muffins, Gwen's favorite, and a special kind of candy bar that helps with...certain body issues. When Chris brought us back here, I was able to slip away from the group and enact my revenge. I put a piece of that bar deep in the muffin and dropped it off along with a sappy love note from 'Trent'". It's amazing how easy it is to tamper with baked goods! 🎵Fast-acting for strong and reliable relief!🎵 Sucker!"

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