Search and Do Not Destroy

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. The teams were dissolved, leaving "each" and "every" camper to look out for number one. And "just" to add a little more drama to the mix, Izzy and Eva returned for more fun! The campers remained to suffer all manner of abuse in the No Pain, No Game Challenge! In a death display of log rolling, a grizzly got a piranha haircut, winning James invincibility! Now that the campers are forced to fend for themselves, who will be selfless? Who will be selfish? And who will eat shellfish? Stay tuned for the most thrilling episode yet on Total. Drama. Island!

I don't waste too much time getting ready and soon get out of the trailer to relax on the soft grass. The sun's bright, yellow rays beam onto my skin, warming me up. I lay on my back and look up at the clouds.

James: I feel like I'm finally at peace with myself.

As I was relaxing, I soon hear a sound that makes me think that something is flying across the air very, very fast. Just then, My whole trailer explodes behind me. I'm both startled by the loud boom and look to see the trailer engulfed in flames.

James: WHY!!! What did I do to deserve this?! Wait a minute... How did it even explode?! There was no stove or anything in there, so no gas could have caused it!

I am upset that my trailer is gone. But I'm glad that I never put my stuff in there, in case of Chris got rid of my trailer one way or another.

Chris: Arr, maties! Meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes, and I'll tell you about today's challenge!

I quickly put things together and conclude that Chris shot a cannonball at my trailer like a pirate would do. I shake my head as I look for a bucket of water to put out the fire.


We're all soon at the same theater where we held the talent show, and recently, the No Pain, No Game challenge. Chris is there wearing a pirate outfit and a fake parrot on his shoulder. Beside him is a sheet covering something. "Chef" isn't wearing a pirate's uniform and instead of wearing his regular clothes.

Chris: Well, my little scallywags. Have we got an adventure in store for ye?

Geoff: What's under the sheet?

Chris: All in good time, laddie. Who here has a-hankerin' for a good ol' fashion treasure hunt?

Gwen sighs.

Chris: Now, this treasure hunt's got a twist, mates. What you're looking for isn't hidden, and it isn't "treasure."

Duncan: If there's no treasure, then what's with the eyepatch and the plastic parrot?

Chris: Arr, shiver; me timbers! Good question, me boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest!

Chef then reveals pirate chests.

Chris: Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you landlubbers, and one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Ha har! Now come 'round and pull a clue out of this bucket, or you'll have to walk the plank!

Each of us grabbed a piece of wood with a picture on it.

Chris: These clues will tell ye where your key be "stowed."

My picture had a shark in the water with the key above it. I knew what this means.

Owen: Ah, wha, bear?!

Chris: I was hoping you'd get that one, dude.

Chris to checks Heather's clue.

Chris: Chef's fridge! Nice! I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints!

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