Brunch of Disgustingness

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. A note from a secret admirer got Gwen and Bridgette up at each other's business. DJ accidentally knocked his boy James out of the plane, and when his parachute failed, his only alternate path left was to go into the lake. Leshawna showed everyone how to hold on for dear life on the moose ride! Harold showed himself to be an ace flag catcher 'till he caught sight of Heather's...unmentionables, causing him to crash his way right off the island. But not without a little canoodling time with the fair Leshawna. And now, let's see what's in store for our campers on this week's episode of Total. Drama. Island.

As the morning swans fly over the island, we all enter the Main Lodge. I then notice that there isn't any breakfast?

James: What? Why is there no breakfast?

Chris: Oh, don't worry, bro. There will be plenty of food later on.

As I walk away from them, Chris and Chef giggle and chuckle to themselves. That's very sus this early in the morning. Leshawna asked why they were so giggly, and they didn't answer and continued their little chuckle fest. Once everyone was inside, Chris begins his speech for today's challenge.

Chris: Congratulations to the remaining ten campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition. You'll all be on the jury for the final episode. 

Geoff: We got the power! Yeah!

Chris: The two teams will become one next week. But first, all the girls will be "moved" to the Gopher Cabin, and all the guys will stay in the Bass Cabin. This week's challenge is as old as history itself, A Battle of the Sexes.

Duncan then winks at the girls, and Lindsay blows him a raspberry in return.

Chris: After everyone is settled in, I'll announce the challenge. And then you'll have a, uh...bite to eat!

Chris and Chef start chucking and snickering to themselves again, which worries a lot of us.

Chris: Ready for a little good news?

This gets all of our attention.

Chris: This week, no one will be "kicked" off!

We all cheer with relievement.

Chris: It's all for reward, and it's a good one. Okay, time to relocate, let's move.

We all got up, and we head towards our cabin to get our stuff and relocate. I wonder what the reward could be? I then see Heather walk up to Bridgette and talked to her. After a little while, Gwen interrupts them, and she told Bridgette that Heather is nothing but trouble. They both glare at each other with hate in their eyes, not noticing that Bridgette has awkwardly removed herself from the situation. After packing my stuff and then head over to the Bass Cabin and see Chris dragged Bridgette out of the cabin. Seeing that Geoff is inside the room.

James: Hey, Geoff.

Geoff: Oh. Hey, James.

James: Miss her already, huh?

Geoff: Yeah.

James: Don't worry, man. You'll have all the time you need to hang out with her.

Geoff: You're right. Thanks.

James: So, where should I put this?


We have forty-five minutes left. "The boys and I are all laughing, drinking soda, and jamming out to some tunes that Duncan brought out."

DJ: Rock that soda pop, "Brotha!"

I decide to loosen up and gulp down a soda. I then burp a little louder than Owen while Geoff burp so loudly that the door hinge falls off.

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