Paintball Deer Hunter

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. Both teams set out on a canoe trip to Boney Island. Gwen wanted to hang with Trent. But got James instead. So he helped both of them by setting the two up on the way back home. And under his pillow was a gift from Gwen he didn't ask for but got anyway! Nice! There were winners. And there were losers. Also known as, The Gophers. The last marshmallow was set to go to either Izzy or Lindsay, but the RCMP swoop in, and BAM! Izzy hightailed it outta there! Hahaha! Man, I knew the girl was nuts, but I didn't know she was totally INSANE! However, one Gopher might have secretly done something crazier when she brought home a creepy stick statue voodoo thingy from the deadly haunted island. Will Beth live to regret her souvenir? And can my teeth possibly get any whiter? Find out here on Total. Drama. Island.

We wake up to the sound of a very loud helicopter over the roof of our cabin. I wonder if the RCMP is still looking for Izzy on the island. We then realize that it's just Chris scaring up awake again. After we changed and had a good talk. We then hear Chris's voice again.

Chris: I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet! Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit!

Three Minutes Later...

We're all sitting at the pit where Chris is about to announce the challenge.

Chris: Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?!?

Owen: We! Are! Ready!!!

Leshawna looks at him disappointingly and shaking her head at the same time.

Chris: Incoming!

Chris then tosses each of us a "can of beans." Which I don't like to eat at all.

Chris: This is breakfast.

Heather: No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's yucky burnt eggs.

Owen: Beans, beans, they're good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you...

Owen got hit in the head by a thrown can before he could finish his rhyme.

Chris: Today's challenge is about survival. We're going hunting.

Chris then picks up a green paintball gun.

Duncan: Now that's more like it.

Harold: Isn't that a paintball gun?

Chris: Why yes, Harold. It is.

Chris then shot Harold to prove that they're harmless.

Bridgette: So we won't be killing anything?

Chris: Negatory. This is the first-ever Paintball Deer Hunt! I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So, finish, breaky!

"Owen lets out a loud burp as he seems to have finished a lot of cans full of beans."

Owen: Got any more?


We're all in the woods with Chris.

Chris: And now for the team breakdowns. The Killer Bass hunters are...Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette. Locked and Loaded with Bass Blue Paint. And using orange paint "are" the Gophers Hunters, Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay.

Owen: Waa hoo! This is awesome, man!

Chris: You also get these styling glasses and wicked camo caps. The rest of you...are now deer.

"Did he just say the rest of us are now deer!?" I thought

Chris: Here are your antlers, noses, and...little whitetails. Haha.

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