I. Life before the mission

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1.1 Backstory

Being an Avenger after everything that's happened after the Thanos thing wasn't the best. Being a pardoned criminal and super soldier turned FBI? Now that is a whole other story.

Let me backtrack a bit. My name is Y/N Y/L/N and this is how my life got turned upside down. It all started with me being kidnapped by Hydra when I was very little. Well more like given up by my parents who found out I had telekinetic abilities and Hydra sold them cabout trying to save the world and that they could use my help.

They experimented on me, turned me into their little pawn and finally the cherry on top made me a super soldier. Nobody cared about me in that place. I was partnered with the Winter Soldier at one point (or Bucky Barnes if you will while he was brainwashed by them) and people at Hydra started calling me the Winter Assassin. Very original, I know.

The thing is a lot of my missions where I supposedly had to assassinate someone, the Winter Soldier made the actual kill since I couldn't bring myself to. We became quite close even if they kept putting him back on ice and "turning him back on". He was protective of me, but Hydra didn't care that we were close. It only made us a better killing duo. Of course I thought about running away, but I couldn't leave him in that place. On a mission in Prague once he told me he didn't remember much about himself, but I reminded him of a childhood friend whose name he couldn't remember. It was a short moment that just stuck with me. At least someone sort of cared.

When the whole fall of Hydra and SHIELD happened I was of course sent in with the Winter Soldier to take down Captain America and his friends but Bucky ended up partly remembering Steve Rogers. It caused the mission to fail. Bucky went back I assumed to get brainwashed again, but I actually stayed behind and helped Steve, Natasha and Sam take down Hydra and everything. They weren't sure if they could trust me, but ended up doing so. I had no reason to betray them. I had wanted to escape Hydra for years and this was my chance to finally be free and to free Bucky of them too.

During the final fight between Steve and Bucky I tried to get him to stop, but they had wiped away more this time. He didn't even remember me. Steve fell in the water, but Bucky pulled him out. I got to them too late since Bucky had already left. Then after all the trials and everything was over Steve, Sam and I went on to look for Bucky who had vanished after everything. During that time Sam and I became quite close. I wanted to find Bucky as quickly as possible. He was my friend and I wasn't going to let Hydra's actions take him away completely even if he didn't remember everything we went through.

Well we kind of kept hitting dead ends and couldn't find Bucky but then the Avengers were reassembled to track down and eliminate  remaining members of HYDRA. I was brought in as well by Steve due to my powers and me helping them out before that. I didn't mind doing so if it meant ridding the world of any traces Hydra had left behind. Plus maybe I could find some information on Bucky's whereabouts.

Unfortunately the whole Ultron thing happened and well everyone knows what happened in Sokovia when we defeated him...

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