4.2. Germany

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~ Germany 5 months ago ~

I was on an FBI case in Germany looking for this drug cartel leader. It felt like a wild goose case, we had been after him for weeks and I was getting really agitated. I wasn't really the leader of the team, but our boss was so damn stupid (sorry to my therapist I know I should work on my anger). As I was on the brink of giving up I got a call from the German prison Zemo was locked up in.

"This is Adam Garner at Berlin Correctional Facility." The call makes me anxious. What the hell did they want with me? "Helmut Zemo claims he has valuable information for you. He was pretty adamant about seeing you. Since you used to be an Avenger we can let you see him. Otherwise we wouldn't."

I freeze in place. I hadn't heard his name in such a long time that it caused me to suddenly experience everything all over again. Trying to compose myself I respond.

"Uhm..Yeah okay thank you. I'll come by tomorrow."

I hang up and feel my hands shaking as I sit on my bed. Why did Zemo suddenly want to see me? I hadn't gone to see him for...well years now. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt my nervousness rising and cursed at myself internally for letting him affect me this much after all this time.

Truth be told I never stopped caring or thinking about him. I couldn't forget what he had done, but I also couldn't completely bury my feelings. Fighting the urge to cry I get ready for bed, not feeling any energy to do anything else for the rest of the night. Having to face Zemo was difficult enough.

In the prison I am brought to his containment cell and watch as he walks closer towards the glass. Gulping I take a seat in front of it looking at Zemo expecting him to speak first. But he doesn't. I take a deep breath before addressing him.

"Hello, Zemo." A small smile appears on his face as he finally looks at me.

"Nice of you to actually show up." The tone in his voice makes me jump slightly. I didn't expect so much..resentment.

"What...what do you mean?" Confusion is written on my face. What was he trying to say? I mean yes I hadn't tried to contact him, but why did he sound like I had refused multiple times.

"I wrote to you. Letters."

"You what? I never got any letters." Zemo seems to come to a realisation and lets out a grim laugh.

"You live with Bucky right?" Still not comprehending, I nod. "Of course he wouldn't want us to talk." My eyes widen. Had Bucky really hidden letters from me? Or was Zemo just trying to mess with me...

"He wouldn't lie to me." Zemo raises an eyebrow, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Sure, believe that." I couldn't say anything. Not knowing who or what to believe I decided to get back at the task at hand.

"They said you have information for me."

"I do. But I require something in return." Here we go. I knew he wasn't just trying to help out of the goodness of his heart.

"Name it." Zemo chuckles at my quick answer.

"Eager, are we?" His mocking tone makes me agitated.

"Zemo. Please, get to the point."

"We haven't talked in years and you can't wait to get away from me. Don't worry the feeling is mutual, you know how I feel about your kind." Whether he meant super soldiers or the Avengers I didn't know but either way his words hurt. Did he really still hate me that much? "Give me 48 hours of freedom. You will be there of course to make sure I don't run away. That's all I want."

"That's it?" Have to say I was really surprised by his request. You would think he needed something way more than just 2 days out of prison. Clearly he had some sort of ulterior motive, but my desperation to catch the drug leader and desire to talk to Zemo about everything made me agree.

And so I arranged a government deal to release Zemo out of prison in exchange for information, taking full responsibility if he did anything or tried to escape. Zemo had heard talk in the prison about the drug cartel's operation and used his phone calls to find out more and find out who's investigating the case. Had he planned everything just to see me? Shaking that thought away I thank him for his cooperation and promise to be back after I finish my job.

And that's exactly what I do.

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