4.3. Paris

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Zemo's intel proves extremely useful and we manage to put the drug cartel's operation away for good. Content with a job well done 3 days later I head back to the prison this time to release Zemo into my custody for 48 hours. He smiles at me when he sees me and for a moment I forget everything that's happened between us. All I see is just us, like I used to in Sokovia. Without saying much Zemo follows me outside and into my car.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask as Zemo who sits at the front of course, puts his seat belt on.

"Have you been to Paris?" His words catch me off guard.

"What does that have to do with anything? And no." Zemo chuckles softly as he places a hand on my leg, making me shiver and feel butterflies at the same time.

"Then that's where we shall go. Don't worry about the money I got it covered." Right. I forgot he was an actual baron. Why was he wasting his freedom on bringing me to Paris. I hated being given mixed signals. Saying he basically hates me and then pretends to care.

"Zemo, why?" My words come out quieter than I expect them to. He seems surprised to hear me not give him some sort of remark.

"Listen. Don't you want to get away from things a bit? From that constant reminder of the past? That's simply all I'm offering."

Nodding I focus my attention on the road. Zemo's hand moves away from my leg as he turns to look out the car window. His words make me think. Did he want to get over the past? That gives me a small amount of hope. Maybe we could finally talk about what happened between us.

Zemo arranges transport for us to Paris and then claims he has a lot to show me so I chuckle and let him practically drag me around. As time goes by I find myself easing up in his presence. It reminds me of the times before our fight in Sokovia and I remember all the things I loved about him. He made sure I was always comfortable and okay with everything we did, brought me to a café for breakfast then to like 4 or 5 museums and galleries.

I practically begged him to go to the Louvre and he had laughed at me claiming I was like a little child being brought to Disneyland. We have a great time together. The nagging thoughts of wanting to ask him about the past, about why he had written to me and what he had wanted to say, the constant feeling of anxiety, guilt and pain that looking at him made me feel was melting away with every minute spent with each other.

As the sun begins to set Zemo insists we go to the Eiffel tower.

"But isn't it already closed?" I protest and he ignores me, heading towards it. Groaning and feeling extremely tired from walking around I run a little to catch up to him.

Zemo links his arm with mine and I smile. We arrive at the tower and of course Zemo has already arranged for us to be able to go to the top. Rolling my eyes at his stupid displays of wealth I follow him up with the elevator.

The view really is amazing and leaves me speechless. We just stand there for a long time until the sun finally sets. "Thank you. For bringing me."

"You know... I never would have hurt you." His sudden change of topic surprises me.

"What-What do you mean?" Zemo sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

"My revenge. I never meant to involve you in it." I notice tears welling up in his eyes and it causes me to hold his hand. Zemo looks at our intertwined hands for a moment then proceeds to speak. "However, I don't know if I can ever forgive you for lying."

"I never wanted to hurt you as well, Zemo. My time with you in Sokovia was... it was special to me. You know I'm sorry. I regret everything that happened every day."

"So do I." It's quiet after that. There was so much more I wanted to say but just couldn't. "We should head down." Giving him a sad nod I agree. Now at the park we sit down at the grass and shivering from the cold I move closer to him. "You're cold, aren't you?"

"I'm not." He laughs as if our conversation a few minutes ago never happened.

"Yes you are, take it." Zemo tries to put his coat around my shoulders but I just snuggle closer to him.

"I'm fine right here." He smiles as his arm goes around my shoulders. We stay like that for a while and I wish we could forever, but then I'm suddenly taken out of my daydreaming.

Zemo holds my chin gently, making me turn towards him. Before I could say anything he kissed me softly, carefully, but after pushing everything I felt away I wanted more and I pulled him closer by his coat. Zemo groaned softly, and then his arms were holding me tighter as we rolled over on the grass, still kissing and holding each other. I can't help but let out a chuckle as I feel the grass under my neck. Zemo ends up hovering over me and I stare at him expectantly.

However, he just chuckles standing up and holding out his hand for me to take. I did so and we ended up catching a cab to the hotel he had arranged for us. As we go inside Zemo locks the door behind us, not before kissing me again.

"I'm tired but we should talk..." I mumble as we sit on the hotel room couch. Zemo rolls his eyes with a smile tugging at his lips. Suddenly he puts his arms under my knees and picks me up. "What are you doing? We have to talk."

"Sleep first. Talk later." Not having the energy or willpower to argue I let him carry me to the bed and pull the covers over me. "Goodnight, princess."

"Goodnight, Zemo."

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