7.2. Conversations

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We arrive in Riga in no time and Zemo leads us to a house that he probably owns. The city brings back memories but I shake them away. That was all in the past. Before we head in, Bucky says he's gonna go on a walk and I raise an eyebrow. My suspicion was that the Wakandans were after us and wanted Zemo. If that was true we'd have trouble with them... I wasn't ready to just hand Zemo over yet and if it came to it I was going to use my wild card.

Ayo - one of the members of the Dora Milaje owed me a favor and if it came down to that I'd use it in order to get more time. I knew Zemo couldn't stay free forever, but we needed him to finish this mission. And I needed him. I need more time with him to figure everything out. Maybe I was being a little selfish, but I had spent years feeling guilty and missing him and I wasn't ready to just turn him back in. I was going to have to make her understand. Ayo and I became kind of close during my time in Wakanda and I'd saved her life during the fight against Thanos. So she claimed she owed me. Let's hope she remembers that.

"Well the Wakandans are here and want Zemo. I got us some more time." Cursing under my breath I realize that my suspicions were correct. Zemo looks at me for a moment before speaking.

"Nice of you to defend me." Bucky rolls his eyes.

"No one is defending you. You killed the doctor." Sam interjects and I groan. This again.

"I did it to save your friend's life. You're welcome by the way." Before they try to kill each other I focus and flick my wrist, causing the door to close loudly. The three men turn towards me.

"Finally you've shut up. Now, I have to go talk to someone, don't kill each other while I'm gone, try to find out something about Karli." They nod and Bucky stares at me for a few seconds before I walk out. I was hoping he didn't know where I was going, but it wasn't a big deal. I needed to talk to Ayo myself...

I went outside looking for Ayo, hoping she was still around. As I turn the corner I notice her already there as if she was waiting for me. I smile at her and give her a quick hug when I reach her.

"Hey, Ayo." She gives me a small smile, but then sighs. I can tell she knows why I'm there.

"James has asked me for more time. Are you here to ask for more?"

"Look... I know what this must feel like but we need him." She raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing that's all there is to it.

"So your prior history has nothing to do with this desire to keep him free? Zemo murdered our King T'Chaka. The man who chose us. Who chose me to protect him."

"I understand, Ayo. I really do, but please...just give us more time. I'll bring him to you myself." Ayo looks at me for a few moments, studying my expression.

"You care about him." She states and I stay quiet. What was I doing here? Would he fight for me the same way I'm trying not to lose him? My thoughts were all over the place. Sure Zemo and I had come to an agreement, and we both knew the other person cared, but my worry and paranoia was still posing the question of whether he'd run away, leaving me behind if given the chance. "I can see your conflict. I told James 5 hours, but..you get eight. This is only because I saw and know how you felt about him." Relieved, I shook Ayo's hand.

"Thank you, Ayo. I really am grateful for all you've done for Bucky and this." Ayo nods at me and walks away, leaving me with my overwhelming thoughts as I head back to the house...

~ Meanwhile while Y/N is out ~

Bucky turns on the TV in the house and his eyes widen at the sight.

"Sam. Karli bombed a GRC supply depot." Sam joins him in watching, Zemo only glances at them, pouring himself a drink.

"Eleven injured, three dead. They have a list of demands and are promising more attacks if those demands aren't met in full." Sam sighs, clearly not wanting to believe Karli was really doing this. He saw in her a child, someone who had the right idea but wrong methods.

"The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. She will not stop. She will escalate until you kill her." Zemo's words echo in the room and annoy Sam. Bucky interrupts him.

"We should give him to the Wakandans right now." Sam chuckles in agreement and Zemo rolls his eyes, his attention switching to Y/N walking back inside the building.

~ Y/N is back :D ~

Zemo looks at me and I give him a small smile as I sit on the couch next to Bucky.

"Where were you?" Bucky asks and I shoot him a warning look.

"Just took a walk, you guys were annoying. Anyways, I have an idea." They look at me expectantly and I chuckle slightly. Despite our issues we were a fun little team. "So Donya is like a pillar of the community, right?" Sam, as if reading my mind interjects and explains that when his aunt passed away the entire neighborhood had a week long ceremony. "Maybe they're doing the same thing for Donya." Sam nods, agreeing with me and Bucky shrugs.

"Could be possible. Sam and I will go see what we can find out, you watch him." Bucky motions towards Zemo who is rummaging through some cupboards in the kitchen. I let out a laugh and nod, waving at Sam as Bucky and him leave.

"Turkish delight. Irresistible." Zemo throws a piece of candy at me and I catch it with a soft smile. I loved sweet things. With Bucky and Sam out I finally let myself relax and just enjoy whatever time with Zemo I had left. I couldn't deal with him leaving yet. He comes and sits next to me and I instantly snuggle into him.

A/N: Sorry if all the author notes are annoying haha, anyways I love all of you <3 thanks for the support. I will do my best to get these out as soon as possible, unless life somehow says otherwise haha.

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