IX. Final hurdles

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9.1. Memorial

"Hello, my dove. I've been waiting for you."

Approaching Zemo I smile at him. Despite all that had been going on recently seeing him immediately made me feel peaceful. I stopped next to him, diverting my attention to the memorial. Even after talking everything out I still couldn't help but feel guilt when I looked at it. I must have zoned out because Zemo tapped my shoulder softly.

"Where did go?" He chuckles slightly and pulls me closer to him, his hand resting on my waist. Smiling I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Just thinking. About everything we've been through and now..." Zemo interrupts me.

"Let's not focus on the past. You've always tried to help people and all of those who this memorial represents can see that." His words make me tear up. The guilt and pain I felt over what happened in Sokovia and everything to come after it weren't just going to go away overnight, but it certainly meant the world to me to hear that, especially from him.

"Thank you." I squeeze Zemo's hand and he gives me a small smile. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner...Had to deal with Walker." Zemo chuckles at my tone and facial expression.

"I understand, angel, no need for apologies." For a while we just stand there, comfortable in each other's company when suddenly I decide to speak up. I had to say some things. It wasn't like I couldn't see him after the Wakandans take him but it just felt like the right time before Bucky got here (because I'm certain he must be coming after us).

"Helmut. There's something I have to tell you." He eyes me with amusement, which quickly fades after he notices how serious I look.

"Should I be worried?" He nudges me and I smack his shoulder playfully.

"Not really. But...just wanted to thank you for everything, without repeating myself I need you to know that I'll always be here for you wherever you are and I care about you so so much. There's nothing that would happen that would make me let us be separated. We may have gone through a lot of issues, but we're still here and we're together which won't change. You've changed my life and with you I feel truly myself and like everything will be okay. I know this sounds like a goodbye but it isn't because I'm not going anywhere. And that's a promise." Zemo and I lock eyes and I notice tears in his.

"Well at least I can be certain I've thought you sokovian well." At that we both chuckle. "Im not sure I can top what you just said but, Y/N, you're the best thing to come out of the mess I'd created and I'll forever grateful for you sticking around and not giving up on us. I'm truly sorry for all the times I have hurt you, but I can assure that will never happen again and you'll always have me no matter what happens. No Bucky or apocalypse will come between us again." With a laugh I hug Zemo and we just stay there holding each other for a long time.

Until the perfect moment is ruined by none other than my best friend.

"I thought you'd be here sooner." Zemo stated, with me still holding onto his arm. I notice Bucky is holding a gun in his hand to which I raise an eyebrow.

"Bucky, why do you have a gun?" Both of them ignore my question as Zemo continues.

"The girl has been radicalized beyond salvation. I warned Sam, but he didn't listen to me. But you... They literally programmed you to kill. James, do what needs to be done. There's only one way to stop her." Bucky glares at Zemo, completely disregarding my presence.

"Thanks for the advice but we're doing this our way"

Zemo chuckles softly. "Yeah. I was afraid you would say that." Bucky gets ready to shoot and I hear the gun click making me shudder.

"Bucky, don't do this. I thought we had an agreement. You can't kill him!" Bucky scoffs, but his expression softens slightly.

"Why's that?" Clenching my fists I let go of Zemo's arm and stand in front of him.

"Because I love him and in order for you to do so you'd have to get through me first." It suddenly dawns on me that that's the first time I've said I love Zemo, even though I've probably known that all along. Bucky doesn't react at first and then opens his other hand to drop all of his gun's bullets on the ground. So he was never going to shoot?

"I know. And despite everything I blame him for I'm not a killer anymore." Relieved I smile and give Bucky a short hug.

"I took the liberty of crossing off my name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do." Zemo comments and I smile then notice the Dora Milaje appear and Ayo nods at me. Turning towards Zemo I notice him already staring at me.

"I'll be there as soon I can I promise. After we finish this I'll find you." He smiles at me and caresses my cheek softly.

"I know you will. Oh and, I love you too Y/N." Zemo and I share a short kiss and for a moment after it stay there looking at each other. Eventually I let the Dora Milaje take him. As they're leading him away he tells James goodbye and then looks at me once more "See you soon, love."

"See you soon."

"You should make yourself scarce in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf" Ayo tells Bucky as I head towards them and it makes me chuckle.

"Fair enough." Ayo is about to walk after the others leading Zemo away but Bucky stops her. "Hey! I may have another favor to ask of you..."

A/N: Hey guys! Finally after months I've managed to update haha I'm really sorry for the delay but uni was crazy and now I have to study for exams and it's just a whole mess 😂 Anyways hope you enjoyed the update and I apologize in advance for any future delays. <3 love you all and thanks for the support.

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