9.3. Final battle

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A/N: Lots of talking will be done in this chapter haha but as we're nearing the end some things need to be said :D All will make sense I hope, anyways enjoy <3.

Talking to Lena was extremely emotional, but necessary. It helped both of us - her to get some closure and me to finally let go of my past and forgive myself. I promised her I'd always be there to help her if she needed it and Lena hugged me, which brought me to tears again.

After a short but again emotional goodbye I got back to the States as quick as possible to help my friends stop Karli. There was going to be a GRC meeting and we knew she was going to make our move there. Sam and Bucky were already there and while on my way I listened to the news saying that the NYPD has the area secured and everyone is urged to stay clear.

I arrive soon enough and wave at Bucky who is waiting for me. Sam tells us via radio that he's almost there.

"So what's the plan, boys?" Bucky and I make our way to the GRC building as an officer lets us through. I lightly push Bucky as the man calls him seargant Barnes to which my friend just rolls his eyes.

"I called us some backup." Raising an eyebrow at Sam's words I look around and soon enough someone approaches. At first Bucky and I are confused as to who that is, but as it turns out it's Sharon, who takes off some sort of mask off her face. Chuckling I give her a quick hug.

"Look who decided to show up."

"Where's your boyfriend?"

"Can we focus?" Bucky is visibly annoyed at our interaction and it makes me laugh.

"Hey Sharon, thank you for coming." Sam says over coms and Sharon just shrugs and says that pardons are overrated. We head inside, meanwhile Sam is doing his thing whoosing in the building's upper levels.

"Karli's not coming in. She's trying to force everybody out." Sam reports to us and Bucky and I nod at Sharon we split up, trying to find Karli. While we are looking around an officer approaches me with a phone in hand. Bucky is ready to act defensive, but I put my hand on his shoulder and take the phone.

"Aren't you tired of fighting for the wrong side, Y/N?" Of course it was Karli. I scoff and try to explain to her that I know how this was most likely going to end for her, but she refuses to listen to reason and insisted she's fighting for something bigger. As if I haven't done that for years. It's all I've tried to do and sometimes failed. At first I sympathized with the kid, but she had gone too far. Of course that didn't mean I wanted to take drastic measures against her, which was something Zemo would probably suggest...

Thinking about Zemo and how he must be doing in that prison distracts me for a moment, but I return to the present quick enough as Karli finishes her speech and says I've been a big help.

"What? What do you mean-" That's when Bucky suddenly sprints off and I curse under my breath, chasing after him as we reach Sharon in the parking lot, watching the Flag Smashers get away with the hostages from the GRC.

"Seriously, you had one job." Rolling his eyes at Sharon, Bucky quickly gets on a parked nearby motorcycle, chasing after them. I contemplate going with him, but something doesn't sit right with me. Why would Sharon just sit there the whole time? Why was she ready to risk it all coming here? Something was off and I decide to stay back with her to see what she's up to exactly. We take care of the other driver together and head outside, watching a helicopter fly off and soon enough Sam appears in our vision too.

Suddenly I notice a car about to fall off the bridge and disregarding my suspicion of Sharon run off to help the people there. That's when I see Bucky there fighting Walker. Why was he here again? I was literally so sick of him getting in the way but suddenly my attention is diverted to Sam in his new Captain America gear stop the car from falling and saving the people inside. He lands next to us, just as Karli gets up from the ground nearby. She must've been fighting too before I got there.

Her and Sam exchange some words when we hear an explosion and suddenly multiple smoke grenades land right where we are, giving Karli the chance to slip away. Once the smoke clears, Bucky, Sam, Walker and I (never thought we'd be in a group but anyways) rush after them in some sort of underground tunnels. Sam lets Sharon know where we are and suddenly Walker splits off from us saying he noticed them doing so. Sam groans and Bucky goes after Walker. Meanwhile Sam and I continue forwards.

We hear a gunshot and that's when we see Sharon on the ground, her hand pressed to a wound at her abdomen. What the hell had we missed?

"So, you kill ten this time, then, what, a hundred? Where does it end?" Sam questions Karli, who is holding a gun to us.

"Let us help you."

"You're just trying to manipulate me!" Just as Karli is about to shoot at me, Sam charges at her knocking the gun out of her hands. He yells at me to stay put and not interfere, but I can see that Sam is struggling. He tries not to hurt Karli as they begin fighting and she starts throwing punches at him. He insists he doesn't want to fight her. I groan and use my powers to push Karli back. She growls and attacks Sam again who blocks her attacks with his shield.

"Fight me! Fight back!" Karli manages to knock Sam down, the shield clattering away from him. She grabs her gun from the ground and holds it up towards Sam. I focus my energy to knock the gun away. At the exact same moment that I do so a gunshot echoes. I see Sharon has gotten up behind me and she fires multiple shots at Karli, who falls to the ground.

"I'm sorry..." Sam takes her into his arms as she cries. I don't realize it but I've stood frozen. Karli was just a kid...She couldn't have been over 19. Feeling sick to my stomach I somehow make it to them and kneel next to Sam.

"Karli..." She looks at me and smiles softly.

"Do good, yeah? Don't-" Karli coughs, struggling to get her words out "Don't let people tell you who you are." I nod and she sighs in relief, her eyes closing forever...

Bucky and I walk outside, while Sam carries Karli's body to the paramedics. Reporters swarm him from each side and the Senator approaches him congratulating Sam for the good work. However Sam doesn't thank him, actually he just ignores his fake smile and addresses everyone.

(A/N: I wanted to include Sam's speech, but since I of course don't own it and it's perfect as it is just imagine he gives it right now :D )

As Sam finishes speaking he joins Bucky and I and Bucky congratulates Sam.

"You were amazing out there, Cap." Smiling at Sam I give him a hug. After joking around about us calling him Cap constantly we notice Sharon leaning on a car nearby. Still feeling a little shocked over her actions and her behaviour I let them go over and talk to her. I decide to make sure the rest of the Flag Smashers are dealt with so I find my car and follow the transport at a good enough distance. A while passes with nothing happening so I let myself finally relax and turn the car around, wanting to get in touch with Ayo as soon as possible to let her know to expect me soon...

A/N: AAAnnd it's here finally! Thank you all so so much for being patient with me for the last months! Uni and life in general was very busy :D and sometimes I had no inspiration but here I am! We are very very near the end! I think the next chapter which I will try to get out till the end of the month might very well be the last...But don't fret! I hopefully will figure something else out for y'all Marvel fans <3 and not only who knows. The multiverse is a concept about which we know very little ;).

Anyways thanks for all the love and support see you soon!

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