2.2 Revenge

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Later on Sam found me and I told him and Steve what happened. Obviously without the part of me knowing Zemo. We all agreed to go after Bucky before someone else found him. We ended up getting to him after a helicopter fall and he seemed to be more himself.

"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept." My hands were trembling as Bucky talked about what Zemo had wanted. I couldn't help but feel as if this was my fault. Maybe if I hadn't lied to Zemo he wouldn't be on this path for vengeance.

Stealing a car, we went to meet with Sharon Carter, who had recovered the Shield and the EXO-7 Falcon. Having regained that, we met with Clint, who had rescued Wanda from the Avengers Facility and also recruited Scott Lang. Or AntMan as he gets called because of his abilities.

During the whole Avengers war thing that followed I was of course on Steve's side, him together with Bucky and Sam were my closest friends and it couldn't be otherwise. Although secretly I believed the Accords had some truth to them. We had caused a lot of destruction and pain and we did need to be kept in line at times, but all the other things were complete bullshit so I chose my side. Plus I had to stop Zemo from enacting his self-destructive plan.

Of course we were confronted by Tony and the Avengers supporting his views of the Sokovia Accords, advising Steve to hand himself and Bucky over to Ross for questioning. Well we ended up fighting and Steve, Bucky and I made it onto a Quinjet having escaped from Iron Man's team. Bucky wondered if he was worth all of this, but Steve and I assured him what he had done for HYDRA was not by choice and we weren't going to abandon him.

Well of course we in a bit discovered Iron Man had also arrived at the location.

"Listen we don't have to fight. Let's just call it a truce for now until we stop Helmut Zemo." Hearing Zemo's name I shudder but agree with Tony. Having established peace, for the time being, we explored the facility and found out that all of the Winter Soldiers had been shot while still asleep. It made me sick. Zemo had just killed them like that.

Eventually we found Zemo hiding behind some reinforced glass. Bucky kept his gun aimed at him.

"Why did you kill innocent people just to make us come here?" Steve questions. Zemo gives me a short glance and then turns to Steve. "You're Sokovian. Is that what this is about?"

"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise."

"You lost someone?" Zemo looks grave, clicks his tongue.

"I lost everyone. But then again you knew that didn't you, Y/N?" Everyone's attention is suddenly on me. Ignoring my friends' confused expressions ( I was going to explain it to them later) I turn to Zemo.

"I tried to help you, Zemo. I stayed at Sokovia to help you know I-"

"You all took everything from me. And now you will lose everything too." Zemo plays surveillance footage from December 16th 1991. Tony looks at the freeze frame of a secluded road and the date.

"What is this?" My eyes widen at the sight. Looking back at Zemo tears form in my eyes. The video plays. That car that the Winter Soldier forced off the road crashes into a tree. Tony watches intently as the Winter Soldier rides up and gets off his motorbike. The driver lies on the ground beside the car. It's Tony's father, Howard.

"Oh my god." I whisper quietly. The Winter Soldier killed Tony's parents. I had no idea. But by Steve's expression I figure he did know. After the video Tony lunges towards Bucky, Steve stops him.

"Did you know?"

"I didn't know it was him."

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?"

"Yes." Tony attacks Steve and Bucky as I watch in horror.

"Get Zemo!" Steve yells at me and I get out of my trance, nodding and rushing outside.

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