9.2 Truth

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Bucky had asked Ayo for a new suit for Sam and after that Bucky and I headed back to deliver it to Sam. (A/N: Let's ignore how we got it so fast :D). They were definitely becoming best friends those two. 

"So...are we going to talk about everything that just happened?" I question as Bucky and I are on our way to Sam's home. 

"Look I'm sorry again. I'll give you the letters when this is all over. As for the rest of it...what exactly happened between you two before we broke him out?" Taking a deep breath I pat Bucky on the back and run towards Sam's boat.

"I'll tell you both later. Now come on!" He chuckles at my excitement and follows me. Bucky notices a man struggling to get a large box off a truck so he grabs it with his metal arm and drops it on the ground. 

"Oh!" The man exclaims. Bucky hands the case with Sam's new suit to him after I give Sam a hug. 

"Look who's back. Was beginning to think you two ran away together." Rolling my eyes I lightly punch Sam's shoulder.

"Just dropping this off. I called in a favor from the Wakandans." We hear hissing from Sam's boat and a woman who I assume is his sister Sarah calls his name. Sam curses under his breath and jumps in the boat. 

"Hi." Bucky greets Sarah with a smile and I chuckle. Okay Barnes I see what you're doing. 


"I'm Y/N by the way." I introduce myself to Sarah as Bucky helps Sam with the boat. Sarah shakes my hand smiling.

"Sarah. Nice to meet you."

Bucky asks Sam if they need any help with the boat and eventually we decide to stay and lend a hand. At one point I realize that I've started using my powers to move some of the materials needed to fix the boat. I didn't even notice I was doing it. I notice Bucky give me a smile and I give him one in return. It was going to be a while until I could feel free of the guilt that I associated with that part of myself, but I was getting there. At the end of the day the three of us are hanging out at the boat when Bucky announces he has to go and find himself a hotel room for the night. 

"I don't wanna make it weird for your family." Sam and I share a look and he sighs. 

"Just stay here. The people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world." Bucky chuckles as Sam keeps listing weird things the people in his town wouldn't judge him for. "But don't flirt with my sister." This time it's me who laughs as Bucky shakes his head and Sam threatens him. 

"How about we head inside? There's a lot we have to talk about." Bucky smiles knowingly and Sam just nods as they follow me into Sam's sister's house. We sit down in the living room and I take a deep breath. "So where do I start?"

"When Bucky broke Zemo out, that wasn't the first time you'd seen him in those five years was it?" And slowly I start telling my two closest friends the story of Zemo and I's trip to Paris and Riga. After that's over they both just stare at me for a moment. 

"I didn't tell you guys, because I was worried about how you were going to react. I was still angry and confused and I didn't know how to feel about everything." Bucky nods and Sam squeezes my hand.

"Sorry we made you feel like we'd judge you. Despite whatever I think of him, Zemo seemed to care about you." Sam suddenly smacks Bucky behind the head.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?!" Bucky yells out and I raise an eyebrow at Sam. What had just come over him?

"Don't ever lie to your friends like that. Once we finish this you're giving Y/N her letters back." Chuckling I thank Sam as Bucky mumbles an apology annoyed. 

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