5.2. Plane

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We follow Zemo out and then he leads us to a large space, like an airport where a plane is waiting for us. I smile to myself at Sam and Bucky's confused faces. Zemo notices my amusement and suddenly leaning towards me whispers.

"This brings back memories."

"It sure does." I snap back and move away from him. Disappointment can be read on Zemo's face, but he quickly shakes it off as we near the plane. I forgot how his displays of wealth annoyed me.

"So all this time you've been rich?" Sam's question makes me laugh and brings me back to Sokovia...

~ Flashback ~

"Come on it's pointless, I'll never learn." Zemo chuckles at my exaggeration. Since I knew only a bit of the language he had been teaching me Sokovian for the past few weeks.

"Yes you will, dear." I raise an eyebrow confused. I had no idea what the last word that he said was.

"What did you call me?" Zemo's laughter makes me smile.

"You'll know one day."

~ end of flashback ~

~ end of flashback ~

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"I'm a Baron, Sam." His voice gets me out of my daydreaming and I chuckle, taking a good look at Zemo's coat. Ignoring my thoughts about him looking great in that I follow the three men. Bucky eyes me suspiciously but I'm too lost in my thoughts and memories to react in any way. I was going to have to ask him about the letters at some point. "My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country."

Zemo's words lead to a sudden wave of sadness. Sokovia was a beautiful country, but thoughts of its destruction being our fault were coming to the front of my mind. Sam and Bucky get on the plane as Zemo holds out his arm for me to take. Rolling my eyes I put my arm under his and let him practically lead me into the aircraft. He holds the door open for me and I roll my eyes.

"After you, dear." Now knowing the word unlike years ago I smile softly and shake my head.

"What a gentleman you are, baron." Zemo chuckles and his hand only barely touches my waist as I pass by him and it gives me goosebumps. Deciding to ignore the warm feeling in my chest the gesture brings about I quickly take my seat in the plane.

Much to my annoyance Zemo sits in front of me. Glaring at him I lightly kick him. He rolls his eyes with a smirk and pushes my leg slightly with his hand. Bucky watched the exchange with an unreadable expression. I knew he was annoyed and angered by this whole thing.

I felt bad that I was kind of glad to see Zemo, I knew that what he had done Bucky hated - framed him for the UN bombing, activating him as the winter soldier and everything Bucky couldn't forgive. Not that it was easy for me to do so but... well I'm a little biased I guess.

"Are you gonna tell us where we are going or will you just continue staring at Y/N?" Sam interjects and Bucky groans in annoyance, noticing Zemo's eyes glued to me.

"Right. Not my fault I appreciate beauty when I see it." I loved Zemo's accent, but when he spoke in Sokovian...even better. Goddamn it Y/N stop it. I remind myself I'm still angry with him and shaking the thoughts away glance at him. I see him holding a small book and I realise what it is, my eyes widening. "I was just fascinated by this. This seems to be important. Who is Elga Fleming?"

Bucky looks up as he hears the name. My hands tremble slightly. Elga Fleming was the sister of a German general I had been sent to assassinate when working for HYDRA. Bucky had been sent as well to make sure I didn't fail. That was one of the kills I actually did myself.

Before the mission the person at HYDRA who gave us orders had told me that he had his suspicions about whether I'd actually completed the last few missions and warned me that if I didn't carry out this one he would make the Winter Soldier forget me, hurt him or even that I'd never see him again. Knowing what they were doing to Bucky I couldn't let that happen to him so I had to do it.

Bucky and I had the same notebooks with people we had wronged and wanted to make amends with, but how Zemo had gotten a hold of mine I had no idea. Bucky suddenly stands up and grabs Zemo by the throat.

"If you touch that again, I'll kill you." I jump at the sudden interaction and touch Bucky's shoulder, having also stood up. I was glad Bucky wanted to protect me, but I didn't want any confrontation right now. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts about my troubled past.

"It's okay, Buck." Bucky gives me a look to make sure I'm okay and then goes back to his seat. Sam tells him to relax and I let out a sigh.

 Sam tells him to relax and I let out a sigh

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"I'm sorry." The Sokovian gets my attention and I glare at Zemo, snatching the notebook from him.

"Don't ever do that again." I couldn't understand how Zemo was so kind and basically flirted at one moment and then did something that would hurt me with the memories it brought by.

"People you've wronged as the Winter Assassin. That's what the book is right?" Hearing my past nickname makes me wince.

"Yes, that's what it is." Had he researched me years ago when he found out I'm an Avenger? I had no idea since I hadn't personally told him that's what people at HYDRA called me. "Now tell us where we are going."

"Madripoor." I raise an eyebrow and Bucky sighs. Sam notices our expressions and confusedly asks what is so bad about that place.

"It's an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a pirate sanctuary back in the 1800s. It's kept its lawless ways."

"We can't just go like that, right?" I ask and Zemo nods as if reading my mind.

"James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone..."

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