7.7. Find a way

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Zemo and I go upstairs and we eventually notice Karli trying to find a way out of the building. Surprising me Zemo takes out his gun and fires at her making her duck and try to hide.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, but he ignores me and shoots at Karli again, after which she yelps and slides behind a table, knocking over a bag with blue vials falling out of it. The super soldier serum. Zemo smiles and picks up a vial. "Helmut."

"I am not going to kill her, dear. But this serum must be destroyed." I nod. If Karli filled her army with more and more super soldiers they would become more dangerous and even if she had the right reasons to do what she did I was afraid it would make things worse if they were so hard to beat. They had killed innocent people for their agenda. Not that I wanted all super soldiers to cease to exist, Bucky and I are two of them, but Karli's...army didn't need more empowerment through that. At least that was what I believed. I was afraid Karli would go off the deep end just to get what she wanted and I didn't want any more innocent bystanders to get caught up in that.

"No, no!" I hear Karli whisper as Zemo throws the vial and then proceeds to step on the other ones on the floor, breaking them. I notice Karli run up some stairs, joining one of her friends from the Flag Smashers, but I decide not to go after them alone. I didn't want to split up with Zemo. As he's breaking the vials suddenly the Captain America shield flies out of nowhere, hitting him in the head. Zemo is about to fall, but using my powers I make sure he doesn't fall too hard and set him gently on the ground, after which I divert my attention to Walker.

"You really shouldn't have done that." With a smirk I raise my palm towards him, knocking the shield out of his hand, far away. "Oops. You don't need that, do you?" Walker looks at me furious and before he can attack me I run towards him, punching him in the face and quickly retreat back. He grunts and charges at me. With my telekinesis I stop him midway and chuckle. "Poor John, can't beat female super soldiers can you? First Karli escapes you, now you can't even get to me."

"Shut up." Walker goes over to pick up the shield. I squint my eyes, noticing him put something in his pocket, but I can't make it out. I pray that it isn't what I'm suspecting. I let him finish with that and approach me again, when with the help of my abilities push him to the nearest table, taking the handcuffs he used on Zemo and use them on him. Walker glares at me. "We are supposed to be on the same side."

"Are we?"

"We both want to get Karli and make sure no more people get hurt." Laughing I head over to Zemo lying on the ground.

"We do. This was just revenge." He scoffs and doesn't reply. Soon enough his friend shows up with Sam and Bucky as well.

"What did we miss?" Sam asks. Bucky notices me helping Zemo who has now opened his eyes and then sees Walker handcuffed. As his friend goes over to help him I address Bucky.

"I hit him."

"What? Oh. I see" Bucky stifles a laugh and helps me with taking Zemo back to the house...

When we do I insist on him just staying put on the couch as I go grab some ice for his head. Zemo smiles at me as I do so and pulls me down to sit next to him. With a sigh I do and run my fingers through his hair, more to calm myself down than anything. Zemo asks Sam if he would have taken the serum if offered it and Sam says no.

"Sam, you can't hold out hope for Karli." I interrupt them. "She's gone too far, we can't negotiate anymore."

"Super Soldiers cannot be allowed to exist." Zemo murmurs and I freeze. "Kidding." I push his shoulder lightly.

"Not funny." Bucky walks in and him and Sam start bickering about Walker and the shield and I kind of zone out until I hear Walker's annoying voice.

"I'm now ordering you to turn him over." I groan and stand up standing next to Sam.

"We had a plan and you blew it." I notice Zemo has also stood up.

"Zemo has actually been quite useful. So far. We'll need him." Sam continues and Walker scoffs. If this came down to a fight I wouldn't mind throwing a few punches his way.

Walker chuckles softly. "Should I put down the shield? Make it fair?" Sam rolls his eyes. That's when we are all startled by a spear landing near Walker on the wall. The Wakandans walk in and I take a deep breath. Here we go again.

"Release him to us now." Ayo looks determined to complete what they've come here for but still I decide to take my chances and defuse the situation before it escalated.

"Ayo please. I swear I'll bring him back myself, but not now. Not yet." She contemplates my words for a moment but whatever she's about to say is interrupted by Walker approaching her. I let out an angry sigh. He was really getting on my nerves.

"Hi. John Walker. Captain America."

"John you might want to oh I don't know attempt to fight me for example before you try to tangle with the Dora Milaje." I end my words with a chuckle and watch as Walker glares at me. Let's see what you've got John.

"They don't have jurisdiction here."

"The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be." Trying to suppress a laugh I hope Walker just for once decides to stand down but of course he doesn't know when to do that. I see him place his hand on Ayo's shoulder and that's when everything goes wrong. Walker and his friend start fighting against the Dora Milaje and I sigh as I hear glass shattering. So much for peace and quiet.

For a while Sam and Bucky just watch, but eventually they join to try to stop this from getting out of hand. I notice Bucky try to talk Ayo out of it but something else catches my attention. I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I turn around I see that it's Zemo. A smile finds its way on my face as Zemo places a kiss on my forehead.

"I have to go, my darling. Remember - we'll always find a way." Go? What did he mean go? Was he planning on running away and leaving me, did he just come up with that on the spot seeing the danger so near or had he always known that's what he was going to do. Thoughts were swirling around in my head chaotically. No Zemo wasn't abandoning me. He just had to go. But where? Of course he didn't want to go back to prison I don't want him to either , but...I didn't want him to leave so soon.

"Helmut, you can't leave. I'll figure something out, I can-"

"There's no time, love. I do not wish to hurt you like this but as much as it pains me I must go." Tears form in my eyes as I find myself nodding. I know he's right but I hate that he is. I wanted more time, I wanted to try and figure things out. I knew this was going to be difficult but I still didn't feel prepared to be separated from him again even for a short time.

"I'll find a way, I promise." Zemo smiles softly at me and for a moment I forget the situation we are in. He leans down to kiss me and after we pull away I wrap my arms around him into a tight hug. He lets out a sigh of relief and whispers.

"I have no doubt you will figure this out. If you wish to find me, you'll know where to look." He leaves me there, not quite sure what to say. I see him head towards one of the rooms and close the doors behind him. After taking a deep breath I see Ayo somehow detach Bucky's metal arm. What the heck was going on while I wasn't looking?

Ayo heads towards the door Zemo went through but finds the room empty. "He is gone. Leave it." She tells one of the Dora Milaje who sets the shield down. Sam asks Bucky if he knew they could do that, but he replies that he didn't and puts his arm back on.

"I can't believe he pulled an El Chapo." Sam says in regards to Zemo and I glance at the two of them, still replaying Zemo's words in my head.

"I can. Come on." Bucky motions for Sam to follow him and very unenthusiastically I do the same. Bucky was so not going to be happy about this turn off events...

A/N: Hey! I hope you're all enjoying the story. I do apologize if updates come slow I'll be doing my best but life sometimes interrupts and tbh I feel like I need some time to get back in the zone of writing. 😅❤️ I love you all

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