X. Finale

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10.1 Final words

After things calmed down I decided to first call Bucky, even though we had mostly reconciled I still felt like I had to talk to him about my plans. He was my best friend and I was hoping we were done hiding things from each other. He picks up almost immediately.

"Hey, everything alright?" Chuckling I reassure him I'm fine. "Good, that's good...I'll send the letters to your place when I'm home-"

"Actually... could you somehow send them to the Raft?" I'm sure Bucky's eyes had widened at that point. I put him on speaker and wait for his reaction.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sighing I run my hand through my hair, quickly scrolling through some messages I had from Ruth and my boss from the FBI. "Y/N?"

"Sorry, I'm here. I'm going to visit Zemo. I might also move somewhere close so I can frequently come and go. Haven't talked to Ayo yet about it but...I'll make them let me." Bucky lets out a deep sigh and stays quiet for a moment.

"Alright then, as long as you're happy. I love you, you know that right?"

"Love you too, Buck. If you ever need something I'm always here, I'll talk to you soon." We say goodbye and I start driving to the airport in hopes of getting a plane to New York where I could for sure find some sort of transport to the prison. Of course they had to know to expect me first so I called Ayo, a bit guilty that I was going to be asking for something again, but it was my only choice. I wasn't just going to spend the rest of my life without seeing Zemo.

"Hello, Y/N. If you're calling to check up on your lover, he's fine." Rolling my eyes at the amusement in Ayo's voice I tell her the reason why I'm calling.

"I'd like to see that for myself." 

"Normally, this would be considered against security protocols, considering your...connection."

"I'm not asking." Ayo laughs softly.

"I was expecting you were going to say something like that. I'll tell them to be expecting you."

Smiling to myself I thank her for all the help she's been, assuring her that I owed her way too much now, but she denies that. Ayo explains that my reasons for asking what I've asked are understandable and that since I've kept my word she had no reason to hold them against me. Filled with content and anticipation I make my way to the secure prison...

*At the Raft*

The guards instruct me on what I can and can't do but the  only thing I can focus on is going inside and seeing Zemo. They show me to his cell and I give them a brief thank you. Taking a deep breath I head towards it and stop right in front of it with a big smile on face. Zemo is sitting on the bed, reading a book and it takes me clearing my throat for him to actually notice me. He immediately grins and leaves the book at the bedside table.

"Took you long enough, love."  Hearing his voice after the chaos of the whole fight against the Flag Smashers is like a breath of fresh air. Chuckling at his wide smile I grab a chair from the hall and sit down right in front of the cell, as close to the glass as possible.

"How have you been? Bored without me I assume."  Zemo laughs loudly and it makes me let out a laugh as well. Being separated by glass wasn't the ideal solution but it was better than having nothing...Maybe one day things would change.

"You were always the funny one."  For a while we talk about what's happened since we last saw each other, which mostly consists of me talking about how it ended with Karli. Zemo listens to me intently, his attention never diverting from me. 

"I tried to help her...she was just too far gone." Looking up at Zemo I see him smile softly and put his hand to the glass. Yes, I know, very cliché but it was as close as we were going to be currently. Putting my hand at the same spot I smile. "I wish we could...you know."

"Maybe one day soon, dove. For now I am simply glad you're here."

"So am I, Helmut. I love you. I know things haven't been perfect, but I love you and I'm here to stay. No matter what."

"I love you too, Y/N. When looking at you, my heart soars, when for the longest time, I thought it wasn't capable of love anymore. We will find a way, they won't keep us separated forever..."

10.2. Epilogue

*Some time later*

I had been visiting Zemo almost every day now. Still hadn't returned to my job at the FBI and I wasn't sure I was going to. Things in the past year had taken their toll and I wasn't ready to jump back into it just yet.

Just as I was on my way out of the Raft one afternoon, my phone rang. Unknown number. My first instinct was to ignore it, but for some reason I picked up.


"Y/N, it's Clint." Well so much for my peace and quiet. Clint and I weren't exactly best friends, but we were both with Nat on Vormir...the shared trauma had brought us closer and I'd gone to visit him and the kids a few times. "I...I need your help."  I realise that r walking away from the action wasn't going to be that easy. I guess once an avenger, always an avenger...

A/N: Aaaand it's over 😭😭😭😭I can't believe this at all. First of all I'd like to apologize for it taking so long, life got super super busy and exams finally gave me some room to breathe. And I'm sorry it's not longer or more action paced, but this was always my idea for an ending - short, sweet and filled with possibility for the future. Who knows where our Y/N will venture off to next?

Secondly, I want to thank each and every one of you for the continuous support, for always being patient with me and for all your kind words. I was so afraid to start publishing my story and I never imagined it would get the recognition it did. It's so sad for me to put an end to it, because it means so so much to me. Writing has always been a hobby that made me happy, something I could do to make myself and occasionally a friend or two smile. But to share my work, my thoughts, my imagination with all of you has been so amazing. 

Again, thank you so so so much for everything, I love you so much my amazing readers. I hope inspiration hits me soon and I can write something else for you. Whether it be a continuation of Y/N's journey helping out her friends in the MCU or something completely different, who knows. The future is ahead of us <3 

With love, Nicky - your very emotional author.

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