VII. Back in Riga

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7.1. A second plane ride

We are again in Zemo's private plane and I can finally let myself relax. Everything happening in the last days was overwhelming. I had Zemo back and we had sort of reconciled. Bucky and I sort of talked even if we had a lot to go over still. However our mission was getting even more complicated.

The Flag Smashers were gathering more followers and Karli Morgenthau had enough super soldier serum for a small army.

On the plane I sit across from Zemo, Bucky and Sam back in their previous seats. Sam is on the phone with his friend Torres, who he had asked for any information on that woman Karli was trying to help. Apparently Torres found out that Madani died in Riga. Zemo says he has a place we can go and calls for his butler.

"Oeznik, we're changing the course, we're going to Riga. Wonderful city don't you think, Princess?" Bucky glares at Zemo's words while Sam just looks at me confused.

"Have you been there before?" Struggling to not give into my urge to punch Zemo I responded to Sam.

"Briefly. Wasn't a very enjoyable experience." What was Zemo trying to do? I had barely convinced Bucky that he wasn't all that evil and cared about me and here he was trying to rile things up again. I thought we had agreed they weren't supposed to know about us yet.

"Oh I'd beg to differ." Zemo smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"I need to talk to you privately." Zemo doesn't move so I flick my wrist and using my powers push him out of his seat, which makes Sam laugh. "It wasn't a request."

"Alright, alright." Zemo follows me into the other cabin of the plane and closes the door behind him.

"What are you trying to do?" Frustrated, I look at him expecting some sort of answer but instead I just get him smirking at me, looking extremely proud of himself. "Zemo, I'm not in the mood for games. They can't know about what happened back then or in Madripoor."

"Why not?"

"Zemo...please. You know why. They're not your biggest fans. I've barely convinced Bucky to not want to murder you every time you flirt with me. Do you want to die? If not, we best be quiet about it." He looks at me for a while without speaking and then just nods.

"Very well. I was just having a little bit of fun but... Your wish is my command." Chuckling, I lightly push his shoulder. Before I can exit the cabin however he suddenly pulls me back by my arm, meanwhile trapping me between the wall and his arms. Raising an eyebrow I suddenly forget what I was about to say as I stare into his eyes.

Damn you Helmut Zemo and the ease with which you make me so nervous. His eyes travel up and down my body, a smile growing on his lips. "However," Zemo's voice is barely above a whisper and sends chills down my spine "I do require something if I'm going to keep this a secret."

"What do you mean...what do you want?" Struggling to get any words out at all I feel smaller and smaller as his eyes stay glued to mine. Even though we were technically together now or so I hoped he still managed to make me lose the ability to speak.

"Tell why you didn't visit me after Riga and the real reason why you don't want them to know about any of it."

"That's it?"

"You sound slightly disappointed, princess." Gosh I hate his stupid amused expression.

"Fine. We need to focus on the mission, I don't need them up in my personal business during this." Zemo doesn't seem satisfied with that answer so I continue. "Look, I'm happy I have you back. Bucky sort of gets it, but I don't know how I'm going to explain to two of my best friends the complicated nature of whatever we have going on. When this is all over, maybe, or if a better moment arrives, but for now I think it's best to be kept secret. They're going to get way too...riled up if they find out and to be honest I am not ready for that yet. And as for Riga I was angry at you, you know why, and that's the reason I didn't come see you. I thought we already got past that but there, happy now?" Zemo removed his hands from my shoulders and backed up.

"Perfectly happy." I'm about to open the door when I suddenly stop myself. No matter how hard I tried to make myself believe it wasn't true I did miss him. It felt wrong to even think that after all he's done but he's also done some really good things...for me. I needed to know the truth. If he truly cared.

My anxiety was eating me up, sure he claimed we were starting over, but how was I to be certain that any of it was true. Without thinking much I turned around and pulled Zemo by his coat's collar bringing him closer to me. "Zemo I..." For a second we are just looking at each other, Zemo looking like he's trying to figure out what I'm doing.

My own thoughts are screaming at me not to do what I am doing but are too late as Zemo pulls me closer, our lips meeting in a swift, passionate kiss. His arm goes around my waist. I feel again that same urge, the same helplessness, fear and excitement I'd felt every time with him. The intensity of the next kiss makes me cling to him, feeling the whole world melt away. We part when we feel the need to breathe and I try my best to catch my breath. "As I told you before, this stays between us for now." Zemo lets out a low chuckle, his arm still holding me tight.

"Whatever you say." Smiling at me Zemo moves towards the door and opens it for me. I mumble a thanks and head back to my seat.

"You two were in there a while." Bucky's eyes move between Zemo and I and I just shrug. Zemo ignores him and continues reading whatever book he was reading earlier.

"He needed time to understand I won't have him annoying me constantly or I'll bring him back to prison, mission or not." Zemo rolls his eyes, chuckling to himself. I can't help but smile and just put my headphones on. "Wake me up when we're there."

A/N: I have the story planned out until the end haha mostly and hopefully over the next few days I'll have more time to write so I can get these next parts quicker. Thank you for your patience <3

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