9 years ago

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A little girl lifts her head, she's in her dark bedroom. Though the girl can't be older than 9, the room is bare as if she's sleeping in a spare bedroom. Her mattress is on the floor and she's covered in a thin blanket. 

The sound of a deep exhale makes her look towards the window at the other end of the room.

A woman is standing there, smoking a cigarette. her eyes are sunken and bloodshot in the moonlight.

"Mommy?" The little girl questions.

"Shit, you're awake," the woman mutters.

"Daddy said you can't do that anymore."

"What Daddy doesn't know wont hurt him."

The girl walked over to her mother, being engulfed by the thick haze of smoke. There's a used needle on the window sill and one of the girls headbands still wrapped around her mothers arm.

The girl looks up into her mother's eyes.

The woman snuffs the cigarette with one hand while running a yellowed fingered one through her daughter's hair.

"Don't be like me."

"Why not?"

"Because you can do so much better."

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