a moment later

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You tiptoe out of your room.

"Y/n!" Felix called to you, making you groan.

"I'll uh, be right back," you say, trying not to look at how heartbroken Changbin looked.

You slip out the door, burying your hands in the pocket of your dress, a light chill settling on you.

Jisung rolled the window of his little white car. "Hey, sorry I'm late," he said.

"No worries," you respond, sliding in next to him, "roll this up."

Jisung nodded slowly, murmuring "its july" under his breath.

"Which bar do you want to go t-"

"Anywhere," the say, an uncharacteristic sharpness to your tone.

Jisung nods, rounding the cul-de-sac.

"So, uh, nice place you got there...." Jisung mumbled.

"Its my boyfriend's," you say absentmindedly.

"Your what-?!"

Jisung pulled over at a red light, starring at you.

You shrugged at him.

"His name is Changbin, you two would probably get a long," you mutter. Guilt pressed on you.

"I dont really love him," you add. "Or you."

Jisung turned off the engine, groaning.

"I haven't loved anyone since Chris."

"And who's that?" Jisung asked disinterestedly. "An ex?"

"Kinda," you shrug again.

"Fuck's sake," Jisung grumbled, lightning a cigarette.

"I want to love Chris again," you admit to yourself.


"Get out," Jisung said quietly, unlocking your door.


"Get out." His tone loud and sharp.

Surprised, you comply, not bothering to say anything else.

Jisung takes off the moment you slam the door shut.

Shuffling off the road, you turn to make the surprisingly long walk back home, regretting your heals.

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