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At 7:00am, a man wakes to the sound of his alarm. Shutting it off he quickly got dressed in scrubs. As he walked down the hallway, he peaked into a room where a little 3 year old girl was sleeping soundly, surrounded by stuffed animals. She's clutching a little pink unicorn. The man smiles warmly before moving into the kitchen. 

He pulls out a frying pan, adding 2 eggs and some bacon, while making some coffee for himself

At 7:30am, the man woke the little girl.

At 7:35am, the pair enjoyed their breakfast.

At 7:56am, after the man helped the girl pick out an outfit and brush her teeth, he buckled her in her car seat.

At 8:12am, the man dropped her off at daycare with her unicorn lunch box and lopsided pig tails and headed to work. The enormous smile on his face only rivaled that of his daughter.

At 1:29pm the man sat down for lunch, straightening the framed picture of his girl on his desk.

At 4:24 pm, the man picked her up from daycare and after a quick stop at home for some food and a change of clothes he took her to the park where they built a castle with a moat to keep out the big, bad dragon (the man) and to protect the princess (his princess) 

And after over an hour of fun playtime, the man carried his sleeping beauty home.

At 6:03pm the man had turned on the tv, absentmindedly listening to the news as he finished preparing dinner.

But at 6:04 is when he heard it.

"A woman is dead in the river after an impaired driving incident. The driver who was found to be at fault is in critical care and he has identified the woman as Y/n  L/n."

Changbin felt a pang in his chest as he watched the news report, now with his full attention.

He's quickly snapped out of his guilt induced dazed when he hears a little voice next to him.

"Daddy I'm hungry," she says, pulling on the hem of his shirt. 

"I bet you are, sweetheart," Changbin says, picking her up, kissing his little girl on the top of her head. He sat her down at the table. "I'll be right back, I'm going to bring you your dinner."

The little girl smiled up at him groggily. He took a second to treasure the moment.

As Changbin pulled out her sippy cup from the fridge, he stared at the tv, the report playing quietly in the background, images of the car crash flashing on screen. And taking a deep breath, he reached for the remote on the counter and shut off the tv.

He turned his back to it while he looked in his daughter's direction, separated by the dinning room wall.

"I'm going to take good care of you, and that's a promise I'll never break."

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