30 minutes later

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You wake up to blinding lights.

"You're in the emergency room, y/n," you hear Changbin say softly as he cups your cheek. 

"Why didn't you tell me you're pregnant?!" Chris asked, snapping your attention to him. "And who is this guy?!" 

You look at his disappointed and angry expression. Wanting to avoid his piercing gaze, you take in your surroundings. Chris was sitting on the heat register by the window looking pissed, Hyunjin was on the floor next to Changbin who was sitting next to your hospital bed. Changbin must have been your emergency contact at work when Jisung or Chris called the ambulance. Your eyes flit between your ex boyfriend and ex fuck buddy. Feeling shame crawl under your skin.

Changbin pursed his lips. "I was Y/N's boyfriend-" he starts to say.

"You're saying you cheated on me?" Chris asks, angrily directing his attention back to you.

There's nothing more that you'd like than to sink into your hospital sheets and disapear.

"No technically she cheated on me," Changbin says matter of fact, sitting back in his chair and folding his arms. 

"And I'm the only one who didn't fucking know about the pregnancy??!!" Chris shouted.

"Pretty much," Felix shrugged as he entered your hospital room, swiftly closing the door behind him.

"So what? Is it mine?" Chris asked to no one in particular

"She might be," Changbin said bitterly.

Felix sighs, talking over the two men's argument "Y/n, we're going to induce labor since your fall was pretty bad."

You nod, feeling nervousness bubble in your chest.

"So it's him or me right?" Chris asked looking between you for confirmation.

You slowly shake your head sullenly.

Chris groans

"Me too," Hyunjin says cheerily, leaning back against Changbin's leg, placing a joint between his lips.

Sighing, Changbin yanked the paper out of his mouth.

"Really?!" Chris whisper shouted, turning to you. You avoided his gaze.

"If you guys don't mind, I need to prep y/n for surgery," Felix says, putting up the railings on your hospital bed.

As he wheels you out of the room, Changbin gives you an encouraging thumbs up. Chris too pissed to give you a second glance. As far as you know that's what he's doing, you're too ashamed to look at him and check.

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