three months later

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Your finger shook as you held it above the call button. Changbin shifted in his sleep beside you, his arm draped over you preventing you from moving away.

You squeezed your eyes shut and pressed.

The ringtone seemingly blasting out of your tinny speaker, you scrambled to turn down the volume.

"Yes?" A groggy voice asked.

"Hi," cringing as your voice stuttered.

"What do you need y/n?" Felix asked

"You're a pregnancy doc right?" You asked, keeping your voice low, not wanting to wake Changbin.

"I'm an OB-GYN, yes," Felix responded. You could hear him getting out of bed.

"An Ob-what?" You sighed, trying to not get pissed off, "English, please, Freckles."

Felix took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure"I am an Obstetrician, I specialize in your knocked up lady bits."

You rolled your eyes, "So when can you see me?" You hushed.

"The moment you tell me who's it is," Felix said.

"I- what?"

"I know Chris is back in town, y/n, I'm not dumb. So spit it out, who's is it?"

"I don't know, dip-wad," you whisper shouted.

"Mature," He sighed, you could hear his eye roll, "Come by over lunch, I'll cancel my plans."

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