more than five hours later

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"And you promise you didn't shoplift these?" You ask, reasonably skeptical.

"Yeah, my fling the other night left 'em," Hyunjin said, dramatically placing his palm on a book on the floor next to him.

"Do you only sleep with girls in my size?" You asked, admiring the flowy dress that hugged your hips perfectly.

"I sleep with guys in my size too," Hyunjin shrugged, tugging on a light blue t-shirt that hung off his body, "it's convenient." 

There was a knock at the door.

"Its open!" Hyunjin yelled.

"How do I look?" You rushed.

Christopher poked his head into the room.

"Great- Hi Chris!" Hyunjin called into the foyer.

"Hi," Chris said, stepping into the dingy room. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," you breathed, taking in his light grey button down and dark wash jeans.

Hyunjin stood up, pushing you in his direction, you lead him into the hallway.

"I've really missed you," he said.

"I've missed you too," you said, pulling his hand out of his jean pocket to intertwine your fingers.

"So what's new?" He asked leading the way out of Hyunjin's apartment.

"Since that last time you've asked? Nothing," you giggled.

"Sorry it's been a while, I'm just happy to see you,"

"Hey, do wanna know something cool?" You asked, pulling him closer to you.

"Mm? What?" He asked, his eyes sparkling softly.

"Today is our eighth aniversay," you giggled lightly.

"Really?!" He asked, letting go of your hand to hold the door open for you.

"No, I don't know," you laughed, the last rays of sunlight creating a warm glow around you.

"This way," he said, grabbing your hand again, leading you to his car.

You slide into the front seat, leather feeling cool on your legs.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"Ice cream," Chris said, waving his hand airily pulling out of the parking lot, pausing just before exiting.

"Do you know where it is?" You laughed.

"Um, no."

"Do you want directions?" You giggled, pulling out your phone.

"Look, do you just wanna go back to my place?" he asked, turning to you.

"Yeah," you said putting your phone away.

"Okay," he said, getting caught up in your eyes.


The drive was short, exchanging in comfortable small talk about your lives in between last seeing each other.

The atmosphere quickly changed when he unlocked his apartment door, handle stiff as he opened it.

Your hand had been in his back pocket...

He pinned you to the wall, lifting the dress over your head. "You haven't developed any new kinks since last time, have you?" He asked eagerly.

"Mm, no. You?" You asked, pulling his shirt off.

"Come find out.... slut..."


You'd woken up next to him, the digital clock in front of you reading well past midnight.

You untangled yourself from his loose grasp, gathering your clothes, watching him sleep for a moment.

You wanted to stay, you wanted to crawl back into bed with him, forget your worries.

But in the dark... with his dark hair in his eyes, looking so peaceful and quiet you felt so bad. Your heart was content while your mind was at war. Your brain kept reminding you how Changbin sleeps, how you'd cheated on him, how guilty you are.

You needed to get out of here and sort this out with yourself.


The front door was locked, dammit. The cigarette between your teeth dropping ash as you cursed. You walked around to the master bedroom window seeing the window open ajar. You pushed the screen in and climbed through the window, once you were on the other side, you carefully popped the screen back in. You turned to see the boyfriend stirring. Guilt started to pool in your stomach.

"Y/n?" Changbin mumbled, "What are you doing in here?" Half sitting up, eyes blinking open.

You felt too guilty to not do something.

"I came to hang out with you," Your voice dripping with forced seductiveness, extinguishing your cig on the wall.

"Oh?" Changbin quirked an eyebrow, clearly too sleepy to hear how fake you sounded, "What a pleasant surprise... Princess," his voice dropping lower.

"Just figured, since your birthday is coming up..." You said lowly, dropping your stuff on the floor next to the bed, moving to straddle his waist.

Changbin hummed in acknowledgment, running his fingers through your hair, cupping your cheek, "As much as I hate you sometimes, I do love you."

Guilt bubbled in your chest.

"Yeah," you breathed, a tear running down your other cheek.

"Let's be quick, yeah?" Changbin said, flipping your position, "I've got surgery tomorrow morning."

"You've always got surgery tomorrow morning."

"It's my job," he said, slipping your dress off, you reached for his sweats.

"It's a respectable job," you say quietly.

"Hm," Changbin hummed, kissing your lips.

The next morning you knew that you'd wake up to a gushy love letter, thanking you for being such a wonderful girlfriend last night. It almost isn't worth doing this just for that.


But ayyy I'm baccckkkkk!

(I had an awesome time with my family! If you were wondering)

Also I dunno if I'll get another chap out today but who knows....

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