Four Days Later

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It had been four days living at Hyunjin's. Four days of building up courage to face your boyfriend. And four minutes standing on the front porch after said boyfriend slammed the door in your face.

You take a deep breath, knocking on the door again. "Bin? Please?"

"No," Changbin's quivering voice came from inside. You knew he was just sitting there, crying on the floor.

"I'm getting cold," You tried.

After a moment of silence, you raise your hand to knock again when the door swings open. You look down to see Changbin, holding it open from his spot on the floor. He's dressed in his scrubs. You feel a pang at your heart knowing you're making him late for work.

Silently you join him on the floor. He closes the door, curling back up. 

"Aren't you tired of taking turns sleeping on the couch?" you ask quietly.

"Well yeah."

"So why do we keep dancing around the obvious like this."

"I don't know know where else to go," he admitted, voice no louder than a whisper.

You both sit in silence for a minute, listening to each others company.

"Do you love me still?" You finally ask.

Changbin leans back, you meet his gaze.

"I don't, I just feel like I have to."

You swallow hard, feeling tears well up.

"I want you to be happy, Y/N," Changbin says, "If he makes you happy you should just go be with him."

"I can do better for you," you say.

"No you won't," he says plainly. "I know Chris is back in town, just be with him."

Tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. And you couldn't bring yourself to cry.

 "I won't love a liar any longer."

You nod, sitting in silence again.

"What are you thinking about?" you ask after a moment.

"Why you slept with two other people and how they're gonna get my baby and not me."

You sigh, "I wasn't trying to take a family away from you, Bin."

"No, I know that," He said, "I'm just upset, am I not allowed to be?"

"Of course you are, and I deserved to be yelled at the other night."

"If you or Chris or whatever, doesn't want the baby," Changbin wipes his tears, sitting up. "Know that I do."

You nod.

"I should get going but I guess while I have you here, you should know your mom died." He said.

"What?" Your eyes growing wide, "Why didn't you tell me??"

"If you actually listened to me you would know," Changbin sighed. "Her funeral is tonight."

"Who in their right-God-damn-mind would give that woman a funeral?"

"Your dad."

You quirked your eyebrow as if to say "see".

"It was an overdose," Changbin continued.

"Coke or pepsi this time?"

"Is everything a joke to you? She's your mother." Changbin snapped, standing up.

"That woman is not my mother, she's some addict who my dad knocked up-"

"At least yours stuck around!"


"Don't 'Bin' me, y/n because I don't care that she screwed up your life because at least she cared deep down inside for you. I care about you, I've known you half your life, I've watched you suffer, get better, and suffer again, and who's helped you every single God damn time you relapsed? Me.  And you treat me like shit because you would have rather run around with that pot-smoking-"

"Leave Hyunjin out of this!" You shouted.

"-and all of high school you fucked that enabler Christopher! Funny how he disappears and all of a sudden you get clean for real?!?" Changbin shouted over you, turning to the door. 

"And one other thing!" He shouts, "If your mom is just "some addict who your dad knocked up" what does that make Chris to you, huh?!?" 

You could feel the emotion welling up behind your eyes again.

"I don't have time for this," he said regaining his composure, adjusting his scrubs. "I'm done with your shit, I won't let you play the victim card this time."


"You just love the drama, don't you." Changbin scoffed, slamming the door in your face.

Your blood felt hot. You whip the door open, screaming at the top of your lungs, "AND THIS IS WHY I FUCKING USED, ASSHOLE!"

Changbin paused for a second, not turning to you, "I'm sorry it had to end like this," he muttered just loud enough for you to hear.

You could feel the neighbors eyes on you as you collapsed on the ground sobbing.


I'm not super happy with the flow of this chapter but i'd love some feedback anyway!

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