seven years later

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"Where were you?" You asked your patience at the end of its rope, cigarette dropping ash onto your shirt as you spoke. 

He groaned, throwing his keys on the table like he did every night.

You gritted your teeth, like you did every night.

"Out," he huffed, walking away from you.

"And that's why I don't trust you!" You yelled, extinguishing your smoke.

Like you did every night.

"We've been dating for four years and you've never  trusted me!" He yelled back.

"For good reason," you growled, grinding your teeth.

"Ugh, fuck you, y/n," he huffed, flopping down on the couch, turning on the t.v. his pillow and blanket already there.

"No, fuck you Changbin, you don't get to treat me like this!"

"I don't get to treat you like this?? Its only 8pm! I told you I was going to Felix's party, you didn't want to come, and now its like your accusing me of cheating! No. You don't get to treat me like this!"

"Did you cheat?!" You asked appalled, forcing the remote out of his grasp, turning it off.

"No," he snapped, standing up and pushing you onto the couch, "but I'd really fucking like to."

You rolled your eyes, opening your mouth to snap back.

"Its your turn tonight," he said under his breath, giving you a pitiful look. You watched your boyfriend disappear down the hall.

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