fifteen minutes later

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"Bin?" You asked, throwing your keys on the table.

"Hi," he slurred.

Changbin had turned the couch around so it faced the front door, three empty soju bottles on the floor. Lightweight.

"Wheres Felix?" You asked.

"Left, jus like your gonna lea' me," he sighed dramatically, his head falling back.

"Binnie, I'm not leaving you," you say, moving the bottles out of the way, sitting next to him.

"You ha'en't called me that in two and a 'alf years," he mumbled, curling up next to you, starting to sob. "So why today??"

You'd never noticed how little you'd spoken to him in that time.

"I promise I won't leave you," you say, biting your lip, stroking his hair, unable to find an answer to his question.

"Y/n," Changbin said, lifting his head to look at you closely. "Do you even love me anymore?"

"Yes of course," you lie, kissing his lips.

Changbin pulled away, leaning against the opposite armrest. "You're a cheater and a liar, y/n."

You shifted in your seat.

"Bu' I forgive you."

"Fantastic!" You say, crawling onto his lap, straddling him.

"P'ease kiss me like you mean it," Changbin hiccuped.

"I intend to," you smile, trying to look genuine.

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