21 minutes later

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"Hi," you breathed when Hyunjin opened his front door. You invited yourself inside, collapsing on his couch.

"How was your appointment with Felix?" Hyunjin asked. 

"Fine, telling Bin was the not-so-good part."

Hyunjin passed you a box of tissues, you hadn't realized you were crying.

"I don't know why I'm still with him, or why he's still with me," You sniffled, wiping your nose.

"Because you're both cowards." Hyunjin responded plainly. "So am I."


"What do you think I do with Seungmin? It's easier to have each other in our lives and have it suck than to move on."

"Then what do I do?"

"How am I supposed to know? I literally just told you about my shitty relationship."

You blow you nose again, feeling even more defeated.

"I can't break up with him now."

"You can," Hyunjin said, "raise the kid on your own, isn't that what your mom wanted to do?"

"Can you imagine if i'd gown up with just my mom?!"

Hyunjin nodded sympathetically. "But you aren't your mom though."

"Damn close enough," You muttered.

"Then leave it with Changbin." 

"And what if it's yours?" you asked, a growing pile of tissues next to you.


""Meh"?! How high are you?"

"No, it's 'hi how are you'," Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes. "I'm sober. Mostly. Look, Y/n, you really wanna trust me with a kid? Jeez, I barely trust myself to open the pull tab on the orange juice."

You pursed your lips.

"Do you want the baby?" Hyunjin asked, tucking a joint behind his ear. 

You laid back, rubbing your eyes. "No," you eventually said, placing your palm on your stomach. "But I don't want to get rid of it either, he? she? whatever, deserves more than to be kicked to the curb like I was." You looked at Hyunjin, who shrugged. 

"Adoption is an option," he sing-songed.

"Changbin wants kids."

"And we've been over that."

You nodded again, wiping your eyes on your damp sleeve. 

"Use a tissue," Hyunjin nagged. 

"You're out," You sniffled.

"Y/n," Hyunjin sighed, pulling you close to him.

You clutched onto Hyunjin's collar, sobbing.


I just wanna thank everyone for their overwhelming support for my lil story. It's truly meant a lot to me! I'm starting university soon, so I can't make any promises on *when* but i can promise I *will* finish this. Hang tight with me!

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