47 minutes later

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You pounded on Hyunjin's door. After sounds of rustling, a taller man whipped the door open, walking past you looking flushed with embarrassment. The door closing lightly after him. Hyunjin flung it open a moment later, meeting your puffy eyes.

"You wanna tell me what's up?" Hyunjin asked, sounding on edge.

"No," You said curtly, "I'm just sad and horny"

"S'pretty fair," Hyunjin forced a low chuckle, "cuz honestly same."

You closed the gap between you, feeling his lips on your neck.

He picked you up, carrying you inside, the door closing with a soft click.

Your phone dinged in your hand, you glanced down to see a message from Chris. "When you're ready, we need to talk" you scoffed at the message, tossing your phone aside.

You were busy and couldn't respond... Yeah, that's a good excuse... Besides, it wasn't really lying. You were busy making a mistake with your best friend.

Hyunjin's lips sucking on your neck brought you back to reality. You could feel his hard-on through his jeans rubbing against your leg. 

"Was that Seungmin earlier?" You asked, nails tracing the lines of his thin body.

"Maybe... Why?" Hyunjin asked, tense.

"Nothin' I just thought you guys had broken up or somethin'."

"He wanted to bang but not get back together."

"Oh?" you asked, pulling his pants down, Hyunjin mirroring your actions.

"Well I wasn't about to say no," he said, shrugging. "He still hates me though."

"How does that work?" You laughed, pulling him to the floor, your tongues fighting for dominance.

"I dunno," Hyunjin sighed, grinding against your bare body. "When has life ever made sense?"

"You're so philosophical when you're not high," you commented, feeling his dick stretch out your walls.

"Yeah, I'm a real Aristotle," Hyunjin rolled his eyes, his hips ground deep into you.


You stirred lightly, you were wrapped up in numerous blankets on the floor, out of the corner of your eye you could see Hyunjin rocking back and forth on the floor in front of the front door, a man standing in front of him.

"You swear she didn't relapse," You heard Changbin's worried voice in the distance, you held your breath.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Hyunjin said, clearly high.

"I'm the only adult," Changbin muttered, Hyunjin laughing borderline obnoxiously. 

You were reminded of Chris's message that you still hadn't responded too.

"Y/n?" Changbin asked, bending down next to you, you opened your eyes. He looks like he's been crying...

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Changbin said quietly.

"Yeah," you said, sitting up, "let's just go."

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