eighteen hours later

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"Break up with him," Hyunjin sighed, letting his head fall onto the table.

"Ugh, I dunno," you shrugged.

"Then what was the point of telling me all that??"

"Move your fat head, our food is here," you sigh.

"Bacon and cheese?" The waiter asked, Hyunjin raised his hand slightly, widening his eyes at you as if to say 'date him instead'.

You raised your eyes back, accepting your sandwich, 'maybe I will'.

'I dare you,' a smirk forming on the ends of his lips.

You brush your friend off, smiling brightly at the waiter, tag reading 'Jisung'.

"I'll be back with your drinks," Jisung said, bowing slightly.

"Do it," Hyunjin smirked.

Your eyes followed the waiter, mind automatically making comparisons between the man you have and the new one.

"Bet on it."

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