Sneak Peak: Years Later

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He reached the cemetery, seeing the two tombstone between one another. It had been years since he had been able to visit, stuck in a juvenile detention for most of his life and finally freed at twenty only to be thrown out by his mother. He was twenty three now, and this cemetery was the only thing he had to remember what love felt like, remembering both of them as being people who always showed him love and hope.

He reached inside his brown bag, retrieving the cheap booze he was able to buy. He removed his sweater, the rising sun beating down on him and revealing the dragon tattoo he had across his collarbones and the long cross with hearts along his forearm. He retrieved two glasses and filled born of them up, putting them both on each gravestone and raising his glass, "Cheers."

Then, he tilted his head backwards and finished the entire bottle before he could even realized. He wished he had bought more and debated whether to drink theirs, but he didn't. He sat between both of their tombstone, laying down on his back and staring at the sky.

"So that's what you both look at everyday?" he snorted.

It had been a while he had the chance to speak to anyone about what he had lost. His own mother basically abandoned him when his ways started to suffer. It wasn't as if he behaved wrong on purpose, there was simply something off about how he felt and how he thought that he felt as if those were the only way people paid attention or him and listened to him.

"I got my GED in juvie so I'm hoping to get accepted in a community college nearby." He spoke, letting the words float along with the breeze. "Mom kicked me out. She got a new boyfriend and he doesn't like me so she said I'll ruin her relationship if I stay there. Can you imagine that?"

"You know you could always come live with us." He glanced upwards and smirked when he saw the familiar gold locks. He lifted his hand and he knew the person would grab it, pulling him upwards back to his feet. "What are you doing here by yourself?" Jollan Denver wrapped his arm around Jacob's shoulder, tightly squeezing him before pulling apart but keeping an arm around his shoulder.

"Why are you here?" Jacob Minty asked him, noticing that his lips tightened.

Jollan scratched the back of his neck; he had taken all of Bradley's features and even behaviours. "Mom's worried about you."

"Tell Auntie Ella to stop fucking worrying about me, I'm not a kid."

"Just answer her calls."

"She's annoying as hell! All she does is nag me about where I'm going to sleep or what I'm going to eat that day—"

Jollan chuckled, "She only cares about you, dummy."

"I already have a fucking mom, I don't need a second one."

"A deadbeat one."

"Shut the fuck up, don't say that."

"Stop swearing," Jollan noticed a few spikes of grass on his shoulder and wiped it off before slowly wiping his thumb underneath Jacob's eye. "Were you crying?"

"No I wasn't."

"You never cry when coming here—what's going on?"

Jacob pushed away his hand, "I'm fucking fine."

"Come on," Jollan grabbed his hand and pulled him back, forcing their gazes to meet. "Tell me what's up."

He never revealed his feelings mostly because he was all that he had. Showing his weakness made him feel as if he would break apart, and he needed to withhold his strength and courage to continue his path. He sighed, glancing elsewhere and shaking his head. "I just sometimes wonder if things would be different if they had survived, you know? If maybe I would have a parent."

Jollan tilted his head, noticing that his eyes had started glinting. He always had a deep care for Jacob; they had practically grown up together. Yes, Jacob was a few years older than him but it never caused their bond to falter. His brothers didn't share the same connection he had to Jacob; they were always there for one another. He had helped Jacob through his years in juvie by sending him cards and writing letters and visiting him whenever he had the chance, which was every other day.

The only reason Jacob was still afloat was because Jollan was there for him.

"Don't think about that," Jollan said, placing his finger on Jacob's chin and raising his head to meet their gaze. "He wouldn't want to see you cry."

Jacob paused for a moment before admitting, "I feel alone."

"You're not alone, Jacob. You know we love you."

"Auntie Ella hates me—"

"Because you got all those tattoos," he teased, patting his shoulder. "Of course she doesn't hate you or else she wouldn't call you at all." Jacob lowered his head, glancing towards both tombstone with the names Jonah Minty and Kylan Burkens. His memories were starting to fade, and he wished there was a way to retrieve them and lock them in a treasure box where he would never forget them. "Let's go get breakfast, I'll pay, okay?"

He grabbed his sweater from the ground and began making his way to his car. "Did Ella ask you to find me by the way?"

"Get in the car," Jollan smiled.

Book 3 coming soon....

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