Ch. 29

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Jonah and Kylan were watching a movie when they heard banging on the front door. They paused the movie and waited, Jonah whispering that if they were quiet, maybe the people would leave. However, when the banging continued and they heard Ella's mean voice roar, "I know you're both in there!" Jonah groaned under his breath and opened the door.

"Kylan relapsed?" she snarled, barging inside. Jonah gulped, observing the manner Ella stormed past her before he could answer, "Where is he?"

"Living room—"

"Leah called," Bradley bit his bottom lip anxiously as he stepped inside the condo, "you told her right?"

"I needed to confide in someone and she was the best bet," he grumbled, rolling his eyes before following Ella into the living room where Kylan sat, frightened by Ella's stomping feet.

"You relapsed?" Ella hissed, "Again? Over him having a boyfriend?"

"That's...that's not—"

"How dare you not tell me about this?" Ella shouted at Jonah.

"You didn't tell me when he self-harmed four times—"

"He's my cousin!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, glaring at Jonah and stepping towards him. She was in such a rage that even Bradley did not want to hold her back, "I grew up with him, I deserve to know."

"He's been getting better though, right Kylan?"

Kylan rapidly nodded his head, and Ella scoffed, "Getting better? You self-harmed last night and you told Leah this morning!"

"You told Leah?" Kylan raised an eyebrow towards Jonah.

Jonah shrugged his shoulders, "I needed to tell someone about this."

"That's why Lucas called me saying you were acting weird, it was because of Kylan. It all makes sense now," Ella inhaled sharply. "You broke up with Lucas because that's why Kylan self-harmed."

Kylan turned away, and Jonah scratched the side of his face.

"You two aren't good for one another," she hissed, "Kylan will end up dying in this home."

"I broke up with Lucas, and Leah isn't coming over anymore—"

"And you took a week off work! You're just not going to live your life anymore? Not have Jacob over forever because you need to have your eye on Kylan the whole time. Keep taking vacations until you hope he doesn't fucking relapse?"

"Then what the fuck do you want me to do, Ella?!" he growled, waving his hands, "I've tried everything to fucking save him and nothing works!"

"Rehabilitation, you dumb ass! A psych ward! Something that will assure his safety—"

"I'm not going back there," Kylan muttered.

Jonah shook his head, "He doesn't want to go back there."

"Make him go back there," Ella snarled.

"The fuck you want me to do? Make out with him and hope that he doesn't notice that I'm driving to the fucking institution?"

"Is that what you did the first time you brought him there?"

"I can't force him to go there without his will!"

"You found a way the first time, fucking do it again!"

"Alright," Kylan interrupted the argument, sighing as he watched their tightened faces glare at one another. His fists tensed at his sides, and he bit his bottom lip, hoping that he wouldn't cry.

One thing was certain; he was the reason for all this animosity. Their lives were perfect; Jonah was happy with Lucas until he came and ruined their relationship. Ella and Bradley were living their lives peacefully until he was forced to live with them since he was too mentally unstable to do so. Now they were arguing because he was too weak to take care of himself.

He was the problem.

Kylan said, "Let me go for a walk to think about all this, alright?"

"No, I'm not leaving you—"

"I'm fine, Jonah! I've had not had a moment of peace and quiet, or even been alone for weeks now, just let me have this moment by myself so that maybe I'll feel better about going to rehab again."

Ella paused for a moment, before shaking her head, "I don't trust that."

"Ella, please?" he begged desperately. "You can check my pockets, I don't have any weapon on me."

They did not want to reach that level of worrying, but Ella began patting Kylan down, and when she was certain there was nothing he could hurt himself with, she sighed. "Come back in ten minutes."

"I'm not a child, Ella."

"But you are mentally ill—"

"Thank you for reminding me."

"Just reminding you why we're all worried about you," she yelled when Kylan began walking towards the exit.

Before the door closed behind him, he heard Jonah shout, "I love you Ky!"

Kylan paused for a moment, his eyes swelling with tears and he squeezed them shut before taking a deep breath and responding, "I love you too."

Kylan descended the steps, glancing behind him in hopes that none of them followed. When none of them did, he exited the building and began sprinting down the sidewalk as long as he could, until he reached an area he was not familiar with. He was certain it had been past ten minutes, but he felt numb, not a single emotion.

Not even sadness; he thought he would have kept crying, but he didn't. Rather he stared at the cars driving past, trucks driving past the intersection and shoved his palm in his pockets. In a few seconds, it'll be all over.

Nobody will have to worry that he might self-harm again, or debate whether to send him to an institution or not. Hell even Jonah might return to Lucas, or Leah. Regardless, their lives were always better off without him.

He saw the light turn green, and as the cars began roaring their engines, he stepped in the middle of the intersection, and saw a truck flying in his direction.

It was only the moment before it hit him, he heard, "Kylan!"

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