Ch. 6 - "Have I been taking my meds?"

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Kylan felt Jonah shuffle awake as he sat up from the bed. He did not say anything as he stood from the bed and headed for the closet. It was only when he came out that Kylan said, "Maybe you shouldn't go to work, we should talk about it."


That was all Jonah said as he headed for the shower.

After he was done, and returned to the bedroom for a few of his belongings, Kylan tried again, "Jonah, just stay home today."


He left the bedroom and headed for the kitchen. Their conversation had gone extremely south, and although they slept in the same bed, Jonah not once grabbed hold of Kylan. Instead, he slept on his side, his back towards Kylan, as if he didn't exist.

Kylan stood from the bed, and headed for the kitchen as well, finding Jonah munching on food. He did not even glance upwards when he heard Kylan's footsteps, and when Kylan stood near him, he did not acknowledge him whatsoever.

"Jonah," Kylan said, "please stay home today."

"No," his tone was cold, and he placed his bowl into the sink and washed his hands.

He found his briefcase in the living room, and did not even glance towards Kylan once as he headed for the door.

Kylan was not letting him leave, and he approached him again, "Babe, we can work this out."


"Why aren't you responding to me? Say something else, please."

Jonah chuckled, turned to Kylan for a moment before simply rolling his eyes and opening the door. However, Kylan reached for his arm, "I don't want you to leave—"

"Don't fucking touch me," Jonah slapped his hand away, a bit harder than he had thought it would be.

Kylan's eyes widened, but he tried again, "Please."

"I said don't touch me," Jonah pushed him away and Kylan's back slammed against the wall.

The glare in Jonah's eyes filled with hatred was something he had never witnessed before. However, being pushed was enough for Kylan to burst into flames himself.

"We're in a fucking relationship and you don't want to talk about it?!"

"I don't want to talk to you right now!" Jonah screamed, waving his hands.

"I'm begging you—"

"I don't give a fuck Ky! Give me some time, leave me alone!"

"No," Kylan reached for Jonah's arm and Jonah again pushed him apart.

Kylan this time fell to the ground.

"You broke my heart Kylan!" Jonah screamed, extending his palm to help him up, "I'm sorry I pushed you but just leave me alone."

"No, I'm fine."

Jonah exhaled a sigh when he watched Kylan stand to his feet and turn around to walk away, "Kylan, I didn't mean to push you, let's just talk later."

"When you come back, I won't be here. I promise you that—"

"Why the fuck can't we talk later?" Jonah was livid, stepped back into the home and followed Kylan as he walked away, "If you want to talk now then fine but don't be crying over what I say since I'm still angry."

Kylan twirled on his heels, "You think I'm some weak little boy that can't take you Jonah? Tell me what's up, straight to my face."

"Okay then you want to know what I think?" Kylan nodded his head challengingly, squinting his eyes as Jonah chuckled, "I think you're a joke. You think you can talk bad about everybody, from my family to Leah—"

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