The End + Q&A

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Hey readers!

Thank you for lasting through this story with me. I never planned to make them both die, but with the flow of how the story went and how unstable their relationship were, it was bound to happen. I hope you enjoyed the story, because I knew I did. Here are a few questions that people asked underneath and I'll answer them:

Who was your favourite character?
Jonah. I loved writing about Jonah.

Least favourite character?
Kylan, he was soft and I hated that I had to write him being a softie. I like aggressive characters.

Is Kylan and Jonah bisexual?
No! Those are heterosexual experiences but they are ultimately gay. The same way many females have lesbian experiences but will ultimately marry a man because that is the gender that makes them happy and they are attracted to them. Just because you have sex with the opposite gender doesn't mean you're attracted to them. Kylan was not attracted to Sam whatsoever, it was simply for fun and to get over Jonah.

What happens to Jacob?
Jacob grows up to become a drug dealer and ends up in prison, sadly.

How did Kylan and Jonah die?
Jonah tried to save Kylan but was too late to push him so he placed himself in front of the car as like a shield. It hit them both, and they both died in the hospital.

What happens to Sam?
She gets married, and lives happily ever after with Pete.

What happens to Lucas?
He moves away and forgets all about Jonah and Kylan. (He deserved happiness).

What happens to Kylan's Dad?
He's killed. He raped a woman while he was drunk and he was killed for it.

What happens to Ella and Brad?
They have three sons, Jollan, Kyle and Demetrius. They get married and live their lives as they wanted it to be.

Why did you make them die?
Think about it though, if they were both to survive, they would either be injured severely and how are they supposed to return to lovers after such huge mistake? It wouldn't have been realistic. Also I didn't want one of them to survive and the other to have died since the one to survive would have been blamed. Anyways, to conclude, they just both died.

Was Jonah the antagonist?
Yes, yes he was. He helped Kylan, but he hurt him very bad as well. But I'm really trying to show you guys because all the arguments were lead on by Jonah, but Kylan wasn't an innocent princess either. During the time they were in University — I might make extra chapters about this — they went through fucking hell and back and Kylan did some extreme mad shit too.

Is there going to be a sequel?
A sequel about what? They're both dead. Ella and Brad aren't main characters and Leah gets annoying to write about sometimes.

How is Jonah a Dad in high school?
Okay let me explain this. Jonah met Leah when he was 13, she was 15. They dated for a year, she fell pregnant when she turned 16, Jonah was 14. They had the baby, the baby went to live with Leah who lived with her parents at the time. Then, they were on and off for about three years, and Jonah stopped their relationship when he was 18. At 18, he met Kylan, and turned 19 during his senior year of high school. So Jacob is four years old (turning five) when he is introduced.

Why did you write a BXB story?
That's a secret.

Are you going to write more stories?
Honestly guys, I've had writer's block for the past month. I got no ideas, no motivation and I don't know what to do about it. I'm kinda bummed about it honestly.

Can you tell us something about yourself?
Umm...I hate animals? And kids, haha. But I love fast food!

How old are you?
I think that's written on my profile but I just turned 20.

Is this manuscript going to be on Kindle?
I will have it published on Kindle and you will be able to order it as a paperback copy version. I'll let you know when that happens.

If you have anymore questions, let me know! Always happy to answer them. Anyhow, thank you for staying on this ride with me.


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