Ch. 19 - "I thought we were over all that,"

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Jonah was irritated.

He had just returned from work, wanted to relax by himself, maybe watch a few funny videos on his cellphone and enjoy a can of beer. However, he opened the door to find not only Bradley, but his most hated company, Ella.

Instantly when he saw the both of them, he groaned, "What the fuck are you guys doing here?"

"Woah, attitude much," Ella instantly fired back, "a decent greeting would've been great too."

"Then you wouldn't have known that your presence is not welcomed. Maybe not Bradley's, but certainly yours isn't wanted."

"Jonah—" Bradley attempted to interject but Ella retorted first.

She raised an eyebrow, "You're right, my company hasn't been wanted here ever since you lost Kylan."

"He lost me."

"Which makes sense why this place stinks so much," she looked around with a disgusted face, which made Jonah growl.

"Okay, you're fucking leaving—"

"Jonah," Bradley stopped him from stepping towards Ella, "we only came to check in on you."

"Go check in on Kylan instead, he's the one going through an ordeal."

"We already have," Ella narrowed her eyes and placed her palm on her hips, "stop acting like you hate him."

"I never said I do, but he's making it very difficult to love him."

"He's at Sam's right now and you're letting him stay there as if it's not hurting your feelings."

He shrugged his shoulders, "It's not." When both of them stared at him with a raised eyebrow, he sighed, "Maybe it is but even so, I already told him my piece. I can't be with someone who's having a child."

"You have a kid."

"Obviously that's different! I didn't have sex with a girl in the middle of our relationship—"

"Actually," Ella frowned, "I can remember a few times that you did..."

"Get the fuck out."

"Ella stop," Bradley hissed, glaring at her for a moment before turning back to Jonah, "We just came to check in on you."

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine, and neither did Ky."

"It's Kylan for you, don't use my nickname," he snarled instinctively. It always annoyed him when others called him that, but he forgot that they were not together anymore, and he rolled his eyes, "Forget I said that."

"Okay, we need to tell you the real reason we're over here," Bradley sighed, turning towards Ella whose eyes widened and she avoided Jonah's gaze.

He raised an eyebrow, "I thought to check up on me?"

"Kylan wanted us to return this to you," Bradley bit his bottom lip and dropped the object in his hand.

It was the small case with the ring.

Instantly, Jonah thought he had been stabbed in the heart. Or at least that he was seconds from going into cardiac arrest. At least if they were not together, this was a gift he wanted Kylan to have. It was a symbol of their love, and as they had expected, Jonah squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds, but the rage behind them when he opened them was not expected.

He slammed the case against the wall, the ring falling to the ground and he stormed to his bedroom, slamming the door shut. However, seconds later, the bedroom door opened and he stomped his feet passed Bradley and Ella, and when they realized where he was going, Bradley immediately grabbed a hold of him.

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