Ch. 13 - "You're my world."

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He suddenly felt arms wrapped around him before he could take a step, holding him tightly.

Instantly recognizing those arms, his body fell into an ease, and he melted into it, his eyes swelling with tears as he clenched Jonah's tight shirt. He sobbed against his chest for a few minutes, Jonah running his fingers through his hair before pulling away and meeting his gaze, "Let's go in the car."

When they arrived in the car, Jonah drifted off and Kylan absently stared out of the window. He listened to the conversation between Ella and Jonah, hearing, "Give him the damn phone Jonah."

"Ella, you'll talk to him bye, you're annoying me," then he hung up.

Kylan did not say anything, rather continued to have tears run on his cheeks. Not all those tears reflected sadness, since there was a boiling anger in the pits of his stomach that needed to be addressed.

Soon enough, Jonah pulled on the side of the road, and turned off the motor. It was him who started the conversation, and said, "We need to talk."

"Absolutely," Kylan nodded his head, "we do."

Jonah furrowed his brows, "You seem to have a lot on your tongue so how about you go first?"

"After what you said to me today," Kylan shuddered by the thoughts of those words he had used, "we can never be together."

There was a silence, and Jonah's palms clenched into fists, "How about the fact that you went and slept with a girl the day after our breakup? That doesn't play a factor in that?"

"We were broken up already—"

"It doesn't fucking matter Kylan!" he exclaimed, gripping the steering wheel, "You hadn't moved on from me and vice versa."

"I could sleep with whoever I wanted to, and if you didn't understand that, then that's your own problem," Kylan hissed through gritted teeth. Jonah's mouth opened to speak but Kylan cut him off, "But don't you ever, ever in your damn life, mention my mother ever again."

"That just came out, I didn't mean it."

"I don't care whether you meant it or not, it hurt me. And contrary to what you said, I'm not insecure and weak anymore. I know I matter to some people, regardless of what you say."

"And I'm one of those people, you matter to me."

"That hurt so deep Jonah," Kylan breathed quietly, forcing himself not to cry even more but his throat already began clogging, "it hurt to hear those words."

"And it hurts hearing all the voicemails of the love of my life having sex with a random bitch, and processing his love for her and saying she's better than me—"

"We were fucking broken up!"

"That doesn't mean I should be receiving those damn voicemails Ky."

"It doesn't matter anymore," Kylan shook his head, "we're done, we're over."

"You're breaking up with me?"

Kylan rapidly nodded his head, "Yes; today made me realize how truly toxic you are. And you know what, I hate you from the bottom of my heart."

Jonah scoffed, controlling his anger and shaking his head. It took a few seconds, but he eventually answered, "You know, I fucking love you Kay, and you will never find someone that'll love you the way I do."

"That's exactly what I hope happens; I'll find someone better than you."

"I knew it, after six years you're so ready to just give up and act like we don't matter to each other—"

"Yes! I am willing to give up after what you said today!"

"And I fucking said sorry, what more do you want Ky?"

"I want space away from you," he snapped, "I need it."

"I did not mean what I said Ky, but after everything we've been through? We've known each other since high school. We've been through hell and back, I even waited for you after rehab—"

"Don't," Kylan shook his head, chuckling incredulously, "don't guilt trip me."

"I'm not fucking guilt tripping you, I just don't think you're being rational at all. Look," Jonah leaned towards Kylan, "I love you, alright? Maybe I don't have the best ways of expressing it, and my angry side is unhealthy. But the love I have for you Ky, is greater than anybody's. You can't leave me Ky," he begged in a shaky breath, "I can't lose you. You're my world."

Kylan's eyes darted to Jonah's lips, and the desire was beginning to grow. But he recalled the words spoken about his mother, and that he mattered to nobody. That caused them to dissipate, and Kylan shook his head, "I need some time Jonah, give me some time."

Jonah sighed, turning away, attempting to hide the fact that he was crying.

"I'll drive you home then," Jonah said quietly, turning on the motor and beginning to accelerate on the road. It was apparent Jonah was in distress, driving a bit slower than usual and not saying a single word.

As he parked in front of the condo, Kylan descended the vehicle and closed the door. However, when he heard his name being called, he turned around and realized Jonah had descended from the car as well. He sprinted around, and reached Kylan.

He gripped Kylan's jaw and placed his lips on them, feeling Kylan deflect the kiss with the same intensity. They were both hurting from this decision, Kylan needed some time and space to recover from what had been said, and Jonah not wanting to lose him forever.

However, they loved each other, there was no doubt. As Jonah pulled away, both of them crying, he wiped Kylan's tears, "If it's meant to be, it'll happen."

"Thank you Jonah, for everything."

"You don't have to say it back, but I love you Ky." Then, he returned into his vehicle and waved a hand before drifting off and speeding away from the parking lot.

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