Ch. 9 - "I don't know who that is."

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The pounding headache was horrible, and he pushed the covers from around him. When his mind remembered the memories from last night, he felt such a guilt as he turned to her with a groan. Sam was sound asleep, naked in his bed, and he stood to his feet, needing some medicine. They had drank way more than they should have, but oddly enough, he did recall the sex being amazing. She did make him feel good, although he wished it had been Jonah.

When he reached for his phone, that was when he realized he had fifty-six missed calls from Jonah, and twenty-three voicemails. In shock, he immediately dressed himself, and headed for the kitchen with the phone before pressing play on one of those voicemails.

"Kylan, you better pick up this fucking phone right now, I'm not playing."

Kylan furrowed his brows; why did he sound so angry? He played the next voicemail.

"If this is true Kylan, I will never forgive you."

He filled a cup of water and swallowed an aspirin before playing the next voicemail.

"I hate you so much, I knew you would do this to me and still trusted that you wouldn't. You're a piece of shit Ky, I can't believe I even loved you."

Kylan felt his eyes become teary, deposing his cup of water down and playing the next one.

"Pack your shit, you're not living there anymore. You're on your own from now on. I fucking hate you so much."

He played the next one, trembling.

"I helped you, I saved you, I made you grow. And this is how you fucking repay me? Did you ever love me to begin with or was I some jock you wanted to fuck and dip?"

And the next one.

"I should have known that I was making a mistake, nobody ever fucking liked you except your damn cousin. Even your father didn't want you! I overlooked all that, I'm such an idiot right? I should've known you'd betray me like this."

The next one.

"Pick up your fucking phone Ky."


"I'm literally going to break my fucking desk at work. Pick. Up. Your. Phone!"


"I hate you so much, there's not an ounce in my body that loves you, you scum."

By the time dialled Jonah's number and waited as the phone began ringing, he was sobbing. He could barely breathe, knowing that Jonah must be referring to last night. However, a second after the ringing, the phone suddenly disconnected. He raised an eyebrow, trying again and resulting in the same thing.

Jonah blocked Kylan's number.

As Kylan raced to the bedroom, trembling with guilt and sadness, he shook Sam away in panic, which immediately caused her to sit up, "What's going on?"

"I need your phone," he begged, barely able to breathe, "please."

Sam stood to her feet with the blanket around her, and raced to the living room, finding her phone in her purse and handing it to him, "Are you alright?"

"No," he cried, "Jonah found out."

"Found out about what?" she raised an eyebrow, "About this?"

Kylan nodded his head as he dialled Jonah's number.

Sam rolled her eyes, "You guys are broken up."

"I know, I know but..." the line was ringing, and it didn't disconnect.

Sam shook her head, "He shouldn't be mad at you; you're not together."

"That's true but—"

"There's not but Kylan. Hang up the phone; don't talk to him."

"But I love him."

"This isn't love!" She seemed angry, "If what you said was true, the way he's treating you isn't love."

"We all make mistakes sometimes, I've been rude to him as well. But he's done too many things to help m—"


Jonah's voice caused Kylan to feel as if his heart had stopped. His tone was calmer than the voicemails, fortunately, and Kylan rapidly wiped the tears on his cheeks.

"Hello again?"

Sam was violently shaking her head, but there was no way Kylan was going to let this go by without talking to him.

"If nobody's on the line, I'm going to hang up—"

"Jonah, it's Ky, please don't hang up."

There was a pause, he could not even hear a breath on the other side. It seemed as if Jonah was contemplating hanging up the phone or cussing him out before he did so.

However, he soon said, "I don't know who that is."

Kylan inhaled sharply, before pleading, "Jonah, just talk to me please—"

"Sorry, no idea who this is."

And the line disconnected.

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