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February 21, 2022
2:23 a.m
Houston, Texas
Javen Khari Scott

mHouston, Texas Javen Khari Scott

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"What's wron- Trell......" I turned on the light to see him holding Dani at a gunpoint. A bag sat on the floor in between them. I looked at my kids as they stood a few feet away with a scared look on their faces.

"Kentrell what are you doing?"

"He was stealing from you Jay. The money you had in that big black bag." I looked at Kentrell.

"Javen she's lyi-"

"No I'm not. I woke up because I heard movement and shit. I thought it was you, but then I seen it was him. When I confronted him, he shot at me. Look what he did." She pointed to bullet hole in the wall.

" believe that?" I looked at Kentrell.

"I'm not lying Javen." This boy had real life tears in his eyes. I looked at Dani and she shook her head. I walked over to her.

"You believe her?"

"Dani.....go back to the room ok." She nodded going upstairs. I looked at Kentrell and he shook his head going back in his room.

"Hey y'all go back to bed ok." Ja'Khari and Jalyn went upstairs. Journey reached for me and I picked her up. I grabbed my bag full of money before going upstairs.

I went in my room seeing Dani sitting on my bed.

"You good?" She nodded.

"You ight?" I nodded laying my daughters down. I rubbed their backs until they fell back off to sleep,

"So he was stealing from me?"

"Yeah, crazy right?" I chuckled lightly

"You think I'm stupid Dani? Why in the hell would he steal from me and he got more than me?" She looked at him.

"Wait? So you think I did it? You believing him? A drug addict."

"Yeah, I'm believing the nigga I've known for going on 6 years over a bitch I've known not even a month." She laughed.

"You're crazy, why would I steal from you?"

"Why would he? Out the blue." She rolled her eyes.

"Can't believe you're going to believe his lies."

"Get out my house." She looked at me.

"Fine. Ion wanna be here with you anyway."

"Great." I smiled and she got up.

"I find it funny how he only had on some damn joggers and you dressed and ready to go. But yeah he was stealing." She looked at me.

"Trippin'." I rolled my eyes, she got her suitcase before leaving out the room. I followed her. She put her foot on the first step and I gave her a hard shove. She gasped and watched her fall down the stairs.

I smiled before waking down, I stood over her. She looked up at me.

"I can't move......" My smile grew bigger and I put my hands over her mouth and nose. I closed my eyes applying as much pressure as I could.

I could feel her squirming around and that only made me apply more pressure. Soon she completely stopped moving.

I got up going to open the door. I went back to grab her. I dragged her out my house by her feet. It was hard but I was able to get her in her car.

I was just going to leave her here until later. I went back in the house before sighing, I shut my door making sure to lock it.

Seeing Kentrell coming out his room with his stuff made me stop him.

"Where are you going?"

"Move, you gon believe her over me? I know I fucked up but come on, why would I steal fro-"

"I know you didn't steal from me." His face grew soft.

"I knew the second she opened her mouth and said that bs. I believe you, I know you wouldn't steal from me." He sighed in relief.

I pulled him into a hug, I'm not the only person who's been going through a lot lately.

"What happened?"

"I was laying down tracing over your tattoos and then I heard movement and shit. I got up and got my gun just in case. I seen a figure coming downstairs and I just shot my gun. I'm sorry, but I wasn't stealing. She was, and that's the money-"

"For Journey's treatment." I finished and he nodded. Me and Kentrell were saving up for it, not that we didn't have enough it was just our emergency money.

Hearing him staring to cry made me hug him tighter.

"Come on." I carefully guided him upstairs to my room.

"You know when I heard that shot I thought you might've.......shot yourself or something." He looked at me. He didn't say anything just laid down.

"I love you." I kissed his cheek.

"Where'd Dani go?" I froze.

"Can we talk about that later?....." I chuckled and he eyed me. I smiled and he shook his head. I laid down on top of him.

"Thanks for believing me, saving me and trying with me."

" what I'm blinded by."

"Don't say that."

"It's the truth though, I have the kindest heart. I think with it so much which is why I always get hurt."

"So what you saying?"

"It's not you or anybody else I've been with. It's me, I'm the problem."

"Other people's actions have nothing to do with you-"

"When their actions are physically or mentally affecting me then it does, especially when I push it aside." He didn't say anything else just wrapped his arm around me.

I closed my eyes trying to go to sleep but I really wasn't tired. I smacked my lips looking up at Kentrell. He looked down at me making me smile.

"" My smile dropped.

"Let's just go to sleep ok." I looked down before closing my eyes. Now I really had to force myself to sleep.

Nia - it's short and boring but I had to do something 💁🏾‍♀️
Dani was stealing from Javen 🤭
Do you guys think Javen is really the problem? Is she what gets her into lots of trouble?
Should her and Kentrell get back together? Why or why not?
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Love you guys 💙

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