𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮-𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚 ➪ 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙨

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October 1, 1969
24 weeks
Juliette's POV

I wasn't really sure what John and Paul had talked about when John had been over a few days ago. Paul hadn't told me all the specifics. He kinda left it at "just catching up."

Despite everything, I was still glad that Paul and John got along. The breakup would be so much worse on Paul if he lost John in the midst of it all. John was like his brother. Hell, the whole band were his brothers.

We were back in Scotland, after a lengthy drive. Mary was better in the car this time around. She still hated it, but we had stopped at a zoo, and an aquarium, some museums, and some parks on the way down, so she was satisfied with those stops and it helped her stay chill throughout the rest of the drive.

Martha was running around all the land with Eddie at her heels, as I could see out the kitchen window. Thisbe the cat had also come along this time and she was already making herself comfortable on the living room couch. I continued to watch out the kitchen window as Paul appeared with Mary on his shoulders. Mary was laughing to the point where it looked like she couldn't breathe. Paul bent down and picked up a stick off the ground, then flailed his arms to get the dogs' attention. I watched as he brought his right arm back, throwing it as hard as he could while keeping a grip on Mary with his left arm so she wouldn't fall.

I turned and looked at the house. It looked quite a bit different from the last time we'd been here. The floors were complete and everything wrong with it had been patched up by the workers Paul had hired. It was beginning to feel a lot more like a home rather than just a run-down house in the middle of nowhere.

When I turned back to the window, Paul was laying on the ground and Martha and Mary were on top of him while Eddie stood to the side and barked hysterically. Meanwhile, I moved around the kitchen. We had practically no food here yet, so I had no clue what I was going to make for dinner.

I found some macaroni cheese in the bottom of one of our bags and looked around at what I had in the kitchen. It would just have to do, I supposed.

When I'd put the pot on the stove and was waiting for it to boil, I made my way outside, keeping my hands on my stomach. The babies were kicking extra today! I suppose they could sense that we had moved and were just as excited as we were. I was glad that Bella had given us the okay to come out here for a while. We weren't planning to return to London until I was 34 or 35 weeks. We had been told that twins often came early, so we thought that was a safe time to return home.

"Mummy!" Mary said when she spotted me. She was sitting directly on Paul's back as he was trapped on the ground.

"Juliette? Help me!" Paul said teasingly, flailing his arms dramatically even though it would do absolutely nothing to help his situation.

"What are you doing?" I cried sarcastically, going over to her as fast as my pregnant self could carry me, and reached down to scoop her up into my arms, but she jumped up and ran off before I could. She laughed her little head off as she ran, Martha at her side. Paul hopped up off the ground and I pointed to where she'd gone, winded from just coming over to where I was standing.

"Get her!" I yelled jokingly.

Paul immediately took off after her, quickly catching up with her and sweeping her off her feet, and holding her upside down as he yelled triumphantly. "I got you, I got you!" he chanted. Martha jumped up against his legs and barked at him and Mary reached down from where she was hanging from Paul's arms to pet her. Paul adjusted her so that she was slung over his shoulder right side up and came over to me.

"I got her," he told me with a grin, then turned around so I could see Mary's face. She lifted her head and gave me a toothy smile.

I put my hands on my hips and cocked my head to the side. "What did I tell you about attacking Daddy?" I said jokingly.

"Not to," she responded mischievously.

"Alright, but you two need to come in soon to clean up, alright? Dinner will be ready in a little bit."

"What's for dinner?" Paul asked me, bending down to let Mary loose again.

"Macaroni cheese," I said enthusiastically. "It's about all we have right now."

"Sounds good to me," he said. Mary tugged on the hem of his shirt and motioned for him to pay attention to her instead of me.

"Go play with your child," I told him with a smile before turning back towards the house.

October 2, 1969

I was laying in bed, enjoying the calm atmosphere before Mary woke up. Paul wasn't awake either. Apparently, he had tired himself out last night after playing with Mary. It appeared he was getting a little old to run around for hours with Mary already.

Thisbe the cat was lying directly beside me, sprawled out across the pillow like it was all for him. His fur was pretty soft, though, and it was nice having him close enough to pet him. For about the tenth time that morning, I was kicked by one of the babies—this time right on my bladder. I sighed before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. That was quite rude, I had to admit, kicking me right there.

When I made it back to the bedroom, Paul was awake, waiting for me with a smile. "Good morning to you," he said.

"They kicked me." I shrugged, laying back down and curling up in his arms.

"Bad babies!" he said teasingly, rubbing his hands along my belly, waiting for them to start kicking him. Then, I got a pain through my stomach, a familiar one at that, and I groaned. "What is it?" Paul asked gently.

"I think the contractions have started," I responded. "And just like everything else, it's much earlier than last time."

Paul placed a kiss on my head. "You're so strong," he whispered. "Y'know that?"

The words made my heart flutter and I felt good inside. Paul's lips trailed down my neck and I eyes closed lightly as I fell apart because of the feeling. Unfortunately, however, our bedroom door flung open and we moved away from each other as Mary tiredly made her way over and crawled in between us.

Paul gave me a look that told me we'd pick this up again later and I smiled briefly before tucking the covers around the three of us. We all cuddled together and stayed that way for the rest of the morning. We didn't so much as move until we began to feel hungry and we went to find some breakfast, but as for me, I could have stayed there all day long.

(I stuck this author's note at the end of the last chapter of This Boy, so if you've already seen it, feel free to disregard✨😍)

Author's Note


So, I've got the elaborate George story planned but it's incredibly long and spans about fifteen years?

So, I was wondering...

Would you have the patience to sit through four books in a series??😳

I'm going to try and keep each book fairly short (25-30 chapters) and it's quite a large task for me but...I'm so in love with the idea so I'd be more than willing to write it if you will read it

So the first one would take place from 1959-1961, the second would be 1964-1966, the third would be 1969-1970, and the fourth would be 1974-1975-ish? I've never like written about any of them actually during the seventies so I thought why tf not😍

It's alright if you think that's...a bit over-the-top but like

I'm so ready to write it all like rn so just let me know if you'd be willing to read it😭

Thanks for reading, everyone!

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