𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮 ➪ 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙜

639 33 17

November 17, 1969
31 weeks

Damned contractions. They were killing me.

Paul had confined me to our bed, much to my initial dismay. Now, however, I was really happy that I was being forced to lay here. I don't think I could have moved even if I wanted to. Even my back was killing me when I wasn't suffering through a bloody contraction.

When one of the contractions passed, I reached my hand over to grab my glass of water from the nightstand. I lifted my head and took a drink of it, putting it back down and closing my eyes before the pain started again, but then the bedroom door opened and I looked up.

Mary jumped up onto the bed enthusiastically, a wide grin stuck to her face, and Paul joined her, holding an acoustic guitar.

"How're you feeling?" Paul asked me with a warm smile. He was always so sincere and he always knew how to make me feel better even when I felt like nothing could save me.

"F-fine," I stammered. My limbs were shaking now because of the pain. I really wasn't fine, but I was trying to convince myself that I was to see if it made the pain anymore bearable.

"Daddy wrote a song!" Mary said enthusiastically.

I smiled. "Did he?" I answered and she nodded.

"Wanna hear?" Paul asked me, but as I opened my mouth to reply, another contraction began and I tried to fight it without making a noise. I wanted to be strong for Mary because she had already noticed that something was hurting me and her expression had gone from overjoyed to concerned in two seconds flat.

I closed my eyes tightly and clutched the pillowcase between my hands, trying everything I could to prevent myself from just breaking down into tears. I was so done with being pregnant. So, so done. I felt movement on the bed next to me and my eyes fluttered open. Mary was laying on her side and facing me, her little face scrunched in concern.

"Are you okay, Mummy?" she asked me quietly.

I nodded, forcing a smile onto my face as the pain finally subsided. "Yeah, I'm okay," I assured her. She scooted closer to me, burrowing her head against my chest as if she never wanted to move away again. I put my arm around her and felt serenity settle over top of me. My heart swelled in joy and for a moment, I forgot all about the pain I was in.

Looking at Mary just reminded me of why I was in pain. I was in pain because I was creating a life. Two lives, this time around, and she reminded me of how worth it it all was. I'd do this a thousand times over again just to feel the sort of love I felt towards Mary.

A mother's love for her child was unlike any other love on earth.

"Let's hear your song, Paul," I said, moving my head so I could look at him before fixing the comforter so that it was covering Mary too.

"Alright," he replied with a smile at us. He was so proud of his growing family. You didn't have to look past his eyes to tell it, either. He'd have shouted it out to the whole world if he could—and he had, back when all the rumors were going around about his "death." He'd politely told them to fuck off because his family was so much more important to him now than being in the public eye constantly.

Paul began to pick out the notes from a chord on his guitar. I closed my eyes, blocking out the pain and trying to really appreciate the music.

Paul's POV

It was so easy to coordinate my fingerpicking and combine it with my singing. I saw Mary and Juliette both close their eyes. Juliette's fingers brushed through her daughter's hair as she listened to the song. I could tell when another contraction came because she'd twist her face at the feeling, but she kept her demeanor still. She was so strong it blew my bloody mind.

My heart cries out for love and all that goes with loving
Love in song
Love in song

My voice was slow as I tried to coax both my wife and my daughter to sleep. It was Mary's nap time and Juliette deserved some sleep before our guests started to arrive in just a couple hours.

My, you're so fine when love is mine
I can't go wrong
Love in song
Love in song

It's a magical moment when you find the words to describe how you feel and they come in the form of song. Music was such a magical thing and I'd been so in love with it since I was a teenager. Sometimes it still blew my mind that I got to experience the fame because I wrote some silly love songs for the world.

I couldn't believe that we'd played so many stadiums and auditoriums and clubs. I'd met so many new people. I couldn't have been more thankful for my time in the Beatles, and I was still quite devastated that that time was over.

I can see the places that we used to go to now
Happiness in the homeland
Happiness in the homeland

I'd found a small shack on the edge behind the house that was perfect for a music studio and I'd begin gathering musical equipment from small shops in town.

I'd raked up a cheap drum set that was in desperate need of a good tuning, a Fender Precision Bass that I'd used during the recording sessions for Abbey Road a few months ago, a set of bongos I'd found in a gift shop, a mandolin, a ukulele, a few of my guitars, and a few guitars I'd just bought. I'd even found an old piano in the one music shop in town. The guy who had sold it to me had tuned it, and I spent hours out there now. Whenever I had some alone time, I was writing songs and creating new music.

My eye cries out a tear still born misunderstanding
Love in song
Love in song

My new album was falling into place. I'd ordered myself a tape recorder and I'd been recording songs. I was going to hit the recording studio as soon as we got back to London, which was supposed to be on December fourteenth.

I was ready for this new chapter in my life. I was ready to welcome my new daughter and son, and I was ready to become a solo artist.

I can see the places that we used to go to now
Happiness in the homeland
Happiness in the homeland

I looked back down at Juliette and Mary and noticed that Mary was finally asleep, I could tell by her even breathing and the way her fingers were no longer pulled together in two tight fists. Juliette was out like a light too. Her hands had come to rest around Mary and all the pain was erased from her face. I was glad she was dreaming now and not in pain. It completely gutted me to see her in such pain.

My, you're so fine when love is mine
I can't go wrong
Love in song
Love in song
Love in song

I finished the song and sat my guitar onto the floor next to the bed before climbing under the covers myself, laying behind Juliette. I got as close to her as I could possibly have gotten and put my arms around her. She shifted around just briefly before coming to rest again. I adjusted the blankets so they were covering all three of us again and closed my eyes, taking in Juliette's scent and allowing it to lull me to sleep.

ꕥ ꕥ ꕥ

Hehe, at the point I'm writing in this book, the twins are officially here ;)

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