Part 1

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"Kaitlyn your friends are here" my mom called to me from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back, stuffing my phone and perfume into my purse. I glanced at the mirror one last time, looking myself over from head to toe.

I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years about a week or so ago. I had found Aiden sleeping with a girl and it had shattered me.

I loved him and I thought he loved me. I had planned to spend my future with him, and seeing those dreams crushed hurt more than you could ever know.

I was a mess ever since and it was clearly evident in the way I looked. I had on a tight black dress that emphasized my curves and my hair was flowing loosely down my shoulders.

I would've looked decent if I didn't have dark circles from lack of sleep, or puffy red eyes from crying recently.

I had tried to cover it with makeup, but it ended up looking more cakey than ever. I decided to leave my face natural, even though I couldn't tell if it looked worse.

At first I had declined to go to this party, but Carly convinced me that going would help me forget about Aiden.

I combed my hand through my dark brown hair before slipping on my heels and making my way down stairs.

Honestly, I didn't feel like going to this party at all. I felt terrible and all I wanted to do was lie in bed and cry.

I rounded the stairs into the kitchen where my mom was putting away some dishes.

Her baby bump would hit the counter everytime she grabbed a dish and she could barely lean over the sink.

My mom's pregnancy had come to a real shock to me, as I was 16 almost turning 17 and my parents had decided to have baby now.

At least that's what they say. I think my whole family knows this baby was an accident. Nevertheless, I'm quite excited for my new sibling.

"So you'll be home by 11:00 right?" my mom asked me, turning her head toward me while drying a plate.

"Yep" I said, walking to the front door and grabbing my jacket off the hook.

"Honey are you sure you're up for this party?" she questioned me. "I mean, you just broke up with Aiden. You should rest, you've been crying all day."

"I know" I sighed, rubbing my already tired eyes. "But Carly really wants me to go and she thinks it'll be good for me to get out" I told her.

"Okay, if you're sure" my mom said, folding the towel and turning towards me.

"Have fun" she said, watching me unlock the door and open it.

"I'll try" I told her before glancing at my dad's office by the living room.

"Bye dad" I called toward his office. He looked my way from on the phone and waved quickly in my direction.

I walked out of the house and onto the driveway, towards the car waiting for me.

I hopped into the passenger side beside Carly. "Hey Kaitlyn." she said as I closed the door. "You look terrible"

"Thank you" I told her with sarcasm.

"Don't look so glum. This party is what you need right now" she said while starting the car.

"Yeah, it'll be great" my other friend Jess said from the back seat. "You know, I heard Dylan's gonna be there tonight" she said excitedly.

"Jess the last thing I'm thinking about right now is boys. I just want to go to the party and get it over with." I said with with a sigh.

"Someone's a Debby Downer" Jess huffed, slumping back against her seat.

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